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About Oshrilkal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Oshrilkal

    Best servers to play on.

    I knew that was a possibility when I posted this but if there actually good servers with active admins using tactics like Sefin described above, it should be fine. Keep 'em coming!
  2. Oshrilkal

    How to scare a group of hackers

    Bravo! Haha, look at them swerve!
  3. Oshrilkal

    Kicked off the game

    Had the same issue tonight, after trying to re-install Six Launcher, DayZ Commander and even re-validating ARMA 2 & OA on Steam... It still didn't work. But, I found after I uninstalled both ARMA2&OA and re-installed them (re-installing DayZ Commander or Six Launcher AFTER the installing ARMA 2) it went back to normal and worked perfectly! Hoped this helped!
  4. Oshrilkal

    Cannot open files (startup issues)

    Reinstalled ARMA 2, OA, DayZ commander and it worked!
  5. I searched for this a bit, looked for maybe a dedicated community but came up short. What I'm basically looking for is a server that has actual admin support. Enough mature admins that I don't need to worry about admin abuse or hackers. I've really had it up to here and tonight was the night the just tilted me towards thinking of giving up on the game if it doesn't improve in terms of anti-cheat, servers having rules enforced and gameplay. So if you're an admin (or player with a suggestion) with a great server, populated, community backed and has multiple mature admins on at peak and off peak hours list your server below!
  6. Oshrilkal

    CA 14 Admin Abuse/hacking

    Just killed everyone on the server.
  7. Been on this server for two days and totally ruined my experience in the last two days. Multiple admins on the server abusing voice chat, talking over long distances. We were north and saw a large amount of players on vehicles moving north. At first we thought it was the ADMIN camp and as we moved more North me and my friend items were exchanged for other items like a M4A1 silenced, NVGs, ghilie suits and were attacked right we noticed and turned around. The attacker was invisible as far as I know and was using direct com and telling me friend who was far away from me providing overwatch that "we have the same gun" he shot me up, filled my blood back up and shot me again and again couldn't see him. I just respawned at QUARRY (About as remote of a spawn as you can get) and got shot up again within 5 minutes. I had broken bones and called him out over direct comm and the sounds of the shots were right beside me. Definite hacker, don't know about admin involvement though.
  8. Oshrilkal

    Cannot open files (startup issues)

    Also broke my game. Got kicked out the game in the middle of a play session. Oddly my friend didn't get kicked but could report multiple people getting kicked from the server at the same time with the same issue as me. I revalidated on steam and downloaded 2 missing files, still had a problem. I then tried to revalidate again and again 2 files were missing. Looks like it's weapons, anims_e, and mission_e.pbo (All with .pbo at the end) are missing and causing me errors as I try to either load the game or join a server. I also have gotten a couple of INVALID SERIAL KEY prompts since I got kicked the first time :/ This really sucks! Edit: Reinstalled six launcher, same errors. Uninstalled six launcher and installed DayZ Commander, same errors. Edit 2: Reinstalled ARMA 2, OA, DayZ commander and it worked!
  9. Oshrilkal

    Pending Update: Build

    I log in and out of servers constantly because THEY DO NOT label their servers correctly or are using INCORRECT timezones on their server or have lag and desync issues. Am I going to be punished?