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About thargor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That's not my problem, I'm playing on a private server, I don't have a vehicle. As far as I can tell I'm using the right clients ( at least DayZ Commander says I have right client as the server).
  2. I had the same problem yesterday. I went up to NEAF, and Krasnostav. I first tried checking the various residential in Krasnostav, no loot. Checked the supermarket, no loot, not even a tin can. then I headed to the NEAF, guess what I found? yup that's right no loot, but there were Z's spawning. It's been like this for me the past 3 days, I'm baffled at what's going on.
  3. Ive been playing Day Z for about a week so far, and have really been enjoying it. But have yet to be part of a group ( its almost impossible to trust a random ). I live in Alberta, over 30, I dont have a mic yet, bugbeill be picking up one soon. I have yet to kill a player, be it a bandit kill or murder. I wouldn't mind finding a group of canadians to play with, but honestly I just want to find a good buch of survivors that I can have a great time playing this game with. My steam acct is : Thargor33. You can follow me on twitter : @Calgarywarrior. I've been playing nightly from around 7pm MST to 1-2 am MST. Look forward to finding some great Day Z fun