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Everything posted by Thehairyosama

  1. Thehairyosama

    More than one character.

    Does anyone think having more than one character is a good idea. Idea: When logging into a server you select what character you want to play as. I think this would be a amazing idea cause you could have a character for squads and a character for solo or just a pair.
  2. In DayZ you can last 30mins until you have to drink or eat. DayZ is mainly based on realism. In real life you can go a couple of days without food or drink in DayZ 30MINS!?!??!!?
  3. I have an svd camo with ghillie silenced pistol silenced mp5 in my alice pack i join a server and it make a new char!!!!!!! wtf make a good game not a shitty one where it lags and you have to start again.
  4. Some suggestions that would make the game much more fun and less frustrating... 1.Make more than 1 character, when joining a server is lets you pick witch character you would like to play as . 2.Painkillers can prevent a broken bone for 30 mins. 3.When spawned player should have 15 mins of pvp deactivated, this gives them a chance to get geared up and have a satisfying experience. 4.New weapon such as military knife (simply stabs zombies) spawn with it. Thank you for reading :)
  5. Thehairyosama

    Flash light attachment?

    Simple find a attachable flash light to attach to guns or a head lignt???
  6. Thehairyosama

    Alt-F4, Yes\No

    As we all know Alt-F4 is good and bad. I do think that it should be disabled so people cant Alt-F4 as soon as you get into a fire-fight but if you come across a hacker no Alt-F4 your screwed. You can loose all your stuff in a second. That Ghillie camo or that kobra sight ak74u ect.. Hours even days of play time all gone cause of some scum bag hacker, Do you think Alt-F4 is good?
  7. Thehairyosama

    Suggestions that would make the game much more enjoyable.

    Okay, pvp deactivation might be a no no but more than 1 character is a good idea.