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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

  1. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    My name is Darryl Dixon

    Aye we are a plenty!! But Rossums is right, quite a few of us on Balota Buddies UK 46 server (Shameless Promoting!) More than happy to show you the ropes if you join us in game!
  2. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Music to my Ears.... Thank you!
  3. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Never knew "Yes" was one of Jesus's followers and attended the Last Supper..... You do learn something new everyday :P
  4. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    only 1219 posts long......
  5. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    What To Do When You See A Player

    Use your surroundings. get in the best cover. If you want keep aim on them and attempt Comms, if they react in a hostile manner then drop them (if i hail friendly and they don't lower their weapon i shoot, Pre-emptive strike so to speak) Last thing you want to do is attract more boots to your position, Good players think before they shoot.
  6. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Well the server got more updates last night, Bases have been added, extra weapons added to dilute the more rarer ones... New vehicles.. in fact im so proud of the changes i feel like going mad.... with Guitars!!
  7. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Yeah who am i... far right??
  8. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Awww man some of these crack me up.... The "Z" Team, classic, loved it!
  9. We have a huge WarZ discussion already going on, this would have been better suited there.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115498-warz-general-discussion-2/#entry1042560 LOCKED
  10. Aye having people you know and trust is handy, i have a very tight knit mod team for UK46, i know all of them from playing in game etc and knowing they have the knowledge and time to chip in. So far it's worked out really well.... Hope you get the right people in!!
  11. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Awww hell yeah!! looking forward to the next big one!
  12. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Indeed, i want to get a mass gathering done!
  13. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Join the TS to get whitelisted When i get another system i will be playing but most of the time alot of the Bronies play together
  14. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Oh indeed, and much fun was had....
  15. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    No better way to give you a telling off if you are being naughty.... plus makes whitelisting and admin comms much easier. Invest in a mic, after you whitelist you dont need one, you can sit in the AFK section in TS
  16. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    We play on UK 46 witch is a whitelisted private hive server i Admin on. join up with us.... http://balotabuddies.net/
  17. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Reason behind your username?

    She is.... The BLACK WIDOW!!
  18. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    HACKERS Everywhere/ Teleporting Vehicles

    Best bet is whitelisted servers like our own, Plenty of background checks and very active mods and admins mean we have a very very small number of incidents that are dealt with swiftly!
  19. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Even potatoes are welcome on our servers..... balotabuddies.net
  20. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Ok got the server fixed, we really need to get something sorted soon in the way of games...... just everything seems to be a little "Mad" just now
  21. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Cat - hero's best friend

    Cats would only be useful for 6 hours a day, they would sleep the rest of the time... well mine does.
  22. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Baconforce is a coward.

    Old thread is old... time to let it die please people.... Locked
  23. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    To all uk usres

    I get about 800kbs download speed through Steam, yeah it took about 8 hours in total for ARMA +CO +DayZ + Extra's to completely download but it was worth it!
  24. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    having alot of bad luck

    Aye whitlisted Private Hive servers like the one i run are the safest way to play DayZ these days.
  25. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    my new windows 8 computer

    Well by the sounds of things it's your processor holding you back.....