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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

  1. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    Yes ok true true... but Ned?? Really?
  2. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Free Bus - On the edge of the map..

    hmmm thank you kind sir, i may take a little search along there at somepoint.... as i have bugger all else to do today.
  3. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    but of course we don't.... the internet will never give you as much information as books... never, not ever.... Derp
  4. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    why did you not just wait for him to reload, then crouch and blow him away??
  5. Standalone is no where near ready for release i hope.... i'm expecting at least another 3-6 months work on it before Rocket decides it's fit for sale... i mean i will be pissed (and im sure everyone else would be) if i spent say £25 on a game that's going to be a complete pain, So far DayZ has cost me a decent military simulator that i do enjoy playing... and well the mod itself has cost nothing... i cannot complain seeing as we all volunteered to be the rats in the lab :)
  6. I aint logged in today so i havn't seen the damage, are like all the vehicles just gone completley off the servers or do you thing they have just spawned back at their default locations?? if they have gone completley then DAMMIT im walking AGAIN and if they have spawned back to their default locations then DAMMIT im walking AGAIN! I was about to say never mind ill just go for a wander and hunt out some tents... but you say they have gone too?? DAMMMMMIIIITTTTT!!!
  7. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    Hmmm tempted to already start arranging meetup 3.0 :) least it would give me time to actually get my clan to know what they were doing.... but yes sooo much fun, died countless times but each time was funny as hell, and i killed a hater so yeah not a bad run at all!
  8. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    Had so much fun tonight, good show everyone! absolute mayhem and laughter!! yes we should really get another one set up very very soon!!
  9. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    You are full of shit.

    all i hear is wah wahh wahhhh! "Shut up and Nut up" Sure they ALT+F4 crew are nippy but there is fuck all we can do about it at the moment.
  10. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    it was bloody chaos..... i may log back in soon.
  11. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Anyone wanna help?

    you are currently out cold, and without knowing your exact co-ords i cant help.... whilst being outcold you cant do anything till your timer runs down... hold your breath.. you will get your first step soon
  12. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    I have added you on Skype Hugge, also you still want me to lead the Bronies about the place... if so just pm me the details or skype me them when you come online....
  13. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Bren LMG

    YES YES YES!!! Also the SLR would be a nice addition, (also 7.62) or a Sten (9mm) I also think the LA85 is a little outdated, since we use the SA80 A2 now it would seem more pluasable to have that with a SUSAT instead of Thermals!
  14. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    I'll add you just now
  15. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Server UK 22 Tent

    Not the first place i would look, only if i was after vehicle parts so yeah, not a bad spot!
  16. hmmm strange one, all the weapons are legit, but it's your call, Personally i've never had this happen but i can't see a patch change doing this, either it's pure fluke or you have a very nice (and also annoying as hell) Script kiddie helping you out
  17. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    boss suggestion

    In total agreement, there is ALWAYS something to do, ie gather more loot, storm a bandits nest or generally just shoot anything that moves... DayZ is a game that will never tire of bringing a new challenge to your plate every single day... survival at it's finest!
  18. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    To the players on my server....

    Same applies on my server, more people with low tier weapons the more exciting things become!
  19. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    DayZ Vets

    Hmmm it's a mix up between joining a group and making new objectives, like raids and hunting players or try lingor island...
  20. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Overheating issue

    i mean a PC, like Tower. and yeah my temps were in excess of 95 degrees at times, causing alarms to go off... (i set them to 93). after the upgrades i was still hitting about 90 degrees and damn that laptop was heating my legs up. So i use my PC from now on, looks and runs better plus temps of 50 Degrees max is much nicer on the rooms ambience (im not sat in a sauna)
  21. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    What should I do when I see...

    lol oh i've tried getting into server controls before "just being nosey" and got kicked, its nothing to worry about, but yeah hackers on low pop servers is pointless, one tried to thunderdome our server last week, unfortunatley for the hacker it was 4 admins on including myself.... no one else, can't say we will be seeing him any time soon!
  22. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Overheating issue

    hmmmm, i was having a similar problem, though i used Everest to check exactly what the temps were, bought a couple new fans for it, couple of custom heatsinks and kill as many background programs as possible. Then i decided to use the desktop... much better :)
  23. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    What should I do when I see...

    If you can, travel in a small group incase you run into them at any point, multiple arcs of fire beat the one stream anytime
  24. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    Tired of spawned weapon's

    This is true, probably the best and the lowest risk way of getting the high tier loot, again it all comes down to play style, and of course how bad the artifacts are, i havn't been near an airfield in weeks, Cherno, Starry and Berezhino are pretty much off limits too, as soon as thats fixed though i shall have a ball raiding all these lovely spots... and no doubt get killed many times in the process!
  25. Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

    I have a bandit mask and no backpack??

    Not totally true, i've not experience the backpack wipeout yet... but it does annoy me when your character suddenly changes skin