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About FateStCloud

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    On the Coast
  1. FateStCloud

    Pending Update: Build

    Almost the same thing, AS50 is much quieter, has less recoil, shoots faster and can use both M107 rounds as well as AS50 rounds....while the AS50 rounds are not needed, they do inflict double the damage of an M107 round....just in case you want to say you killed a man by shooting him in the foot...oh and it can zero to 1600 <3....however, despite all of this, I stick with a SVD for the built in range finder and ghillie webbing.
  2. FateStCloud

    Pending Update: Build

    What it means is that the tents will stop respawning the gear that was saved. The tent deleting thing is because at the current moment, if you want to save stuff in your tent, you need to place it, save it, wait for the server reset, then place the items in them and save it again. This patch MIGHT also fix that, as I know it is annoying, placing a tent and not being able to put your stuff into it. If your tent is still loosing its gear inside of it, that is an issue with said server. I went on one server, and the sever first ate my items, then the next restart it ate my tents too...made me a sad panda.
  3. FateStCloud

    Pending Update: Build

    It has happened for a total of 3 of mine so far, does not matter what server I went on really, if I log out or the server resets, the gun just vanishes when I get back on. I Hope the one in the backpack is the lucky one, if not, gonna need to hunt another one and just remember reset times for servers.Speaking of base servers, know of any good ones? still looking for one, so far each one I have been on has had cheating admins or more hackers than players.
  4. FateStCloud

    Pending Update: Build

    So, any chance this update will fix the L85A2? found another one at a crash, 2 hours later, server restarts and it is gone from my hands once more...have one last L85, afraid to remove it from my backpack at this point.
  5. FateStCloud

    Pending Update: Build

    Will the issues with the L85A2 be fixed with this build? mainly the whole "vanishing from your equipment upon login"? Also, if your intention was to actually fully remove said gun, might wanna look over it again, found three at crash sites so far.