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peacemonkclan acheron

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About peacemonkclan acheron

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. peacemonkclan acheron

    Why we need the respawn button

    actually spawned in debug plains today and was pleasantly surprised when i re-logged on another server to find myself spawned on the beach with all my gear, kinda sucked cause i got separated from my group but oh well at least I still had my AKM with ammo
  2. peacemonkclan acheron

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Ran across the map from zeleno to berezino to help my friend who had 500 blood and broken legs, as a reward for my deed i found a bike and got to ride that shizz all the way through the NW airfield and got snipers to waste ammo on me. BTW the bike is OP, just sayin its pretty awesome
  3. peacemonkclan acheron

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    When you stock your car with food water and camping supplies along with other survival gear before setting out for work in the morning. True story, i packed my emergency survival kits and stashed them in various places. -also when you seriously start to consider buying more than enough ammo and swat gear.
  4. peacemonkclan acheron

    Implications of the Arma2 weapon nerf - really that bad?

    The .45 pistols could still use a buff, maybe not one hit kills anymore, but two shot, since the makorov is only 3, like when i use my ak-74 sometimes one hit kills the zeds, other times it takes two, i feel like that would be a good power for a pistol. Though the .45 acp round is pretty large, i mean that's 45 caliber, so it would have pretty good stopping power, and right now its accuracy is only decent. Since it is a pistol, perhaps they could revert to the old power levels but make all the pistols less accurate, giving more advantages to weapons with stocks.
  5. peacemonkclan acheron

    Thoughts on DayZ

    If Dayz had the infrastructure for clans to claim lands and build forts, say the forts also persisted through server restarts or something we would see more members flock to them simply because it would be fun, say even further down the line clans could build their own helipad spawn site for their members that could be destroyed and would be costly, that would be interesting. Nothing would be more fun than rolling up to a rival clans base and destroying their spawn site and watching them rage as they spawn on the beach again.