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Posts posted by Endrid

  1. Here is the file and file path.  __cur__mp.pbo  and it should be in C:\Users\[You]\AppData\Local\DayZ\MPMissionsCache.  I googled this problem and others had as well.  For them, deleting the said file solved the problem.  However, I don't have that file on my pc, and the folder 'DayZ does not exist!  I've already reinstalled, and did a file integrity check.  Can anyone help?

  2. I think it would be great if they added the ability to walk like a zombie. That way from a distance, other players, especially snipers would think you're just a zombie and you would be able to sneak around in the open. Also, it would be cool to be able to cover yourself in the entrails of another player or zombie so that other zombies around you would think you're one of them. It would have a limited amount of time, and it would be shortened in the rain. I don't think it would be to difficult to implement, and it would add another layer of strategy to the game.

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  3. I'm not sure why respawn is considered a bad mechanic. What harm does it do to allow someone to spawn where they like? I suppose it will be fixed when the group spawn will be back.

    btw, you were wondering how to make death more painful if you have group spawning? What about making it so that if you spawn on the group, members of your group lose items... you punish the team so everyone is more invested in keeping their friends alive.

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  4. Thank you for working on fixing the issue with the tents... that is huge for me. Also, wondering if you are working on fixing weapons disappearing from your hands when you join a server. My L85 OWS which I rightfully stole from an enemy camp disappeared and I haven't been the same since.
