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Posts posted by Paint13aller

  1. Everyone posting insightful comments are right. The mod is perfect as it is right now in every way, don't try to improve it in any way or test anything that could possibly work out really well but have a slight chance to be a mess. Just leave it as it is. By the way, don't waste time on new features for the standalone, just release it right now. It is perfect and trying new stuff is never a good idea.

    Is that a joke. I'm not sure if serious.

  2. I was the third man there that this teenage admin and his team didn't know about.

    I saw their vehicle and started shooting, we followed and took positions at a cliff just behind where they parked and got out.

    Jack ( scott ) was killed and I killed the person who killed him.

    Shortly after one of the admins team mates killed the third person we were with, which left me alone.

    After a good 15 - 20 mins I took a run around dutch castle and found a spot to overwatch the bodies. Shortly after his team mate came down to loot and I sniped him while he was snooping around for bodies.

    20 mins or so later PVT came back to re loot his body and I killed him again, he blamed the death on Scott and I's friend claiming he "teleported" to him and killed him, when it was just me sniping him in the head while he looted his team mates body. He first banned our third man, then banned Scott. I spoke up saying I was the one who shot him and his response was LOL you teleported and banned me as well.

    It seems like its just a case of a 15 - 16 year old with ACP who got upset because he ran 20 - 25 mins back to his body just to get shot again, and banned us just so him and his team could get a chance to loot up.

  3. Cry and shit your pants!

    I don't know join a alternative hive or seperate database until you can figure out what to do

    I won't be the one Crying and shitting my pants when another more established company takes over my unpatented idea while I'm still trying to figure out simple fixes to things such as "people logging out".

    Sayin dawg?

  4. "[NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play"

    So when a hacker makes me invisible and disables my hunger and thirst, cleared my inventroy and teleports me 30k out into the debug plains what the fuck am I supposed to do?

    Deal with the hackers before you start working on the kiddy stuff that hardly matters.

    You realize server admins have NO tools available to them to determine who a hacker on their server is right? Currently the only way to find out who is hacking is if someone else is using the same scripts themselves.

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