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Everything posted by Hosty

  1. Hosty

    Messing with people. Can turn ugly

    This was amazing.
  2. Needs new everything :P
  3. About the pistol and ammo, you need a clip to put the bullets in, then reload the gun.
  4. I am personally looking forward to a crossbow or the AK. I also want more Hunting Rifles, and old Lee Enfields. Also can't wait for the ballistic vest. You?
  5. Hosty

    Mosin VS M4

    Exactly opposite for me, only found it once but I bet I had over 100 bullets found.
  6. I remember quite a few devblogs and I am sure there were more features that were shown but not in the game right now? Like, the body armor or the illuminati mask.. ? Or the skimping animation when injured, what happened to those? Are they incomplete or trashed ideas? I really hope not trashed.
  7. Hosty

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Third day and we already got a new gun :thumbsup:
  8. Hosty

    Wish you were here

    Really nice!
  9. Hosty

    What do you think of this build?

    Hold on.... Where is your PSU, DVD and HDD??
  10. Well at least it isn't people wanting a discount for buying Arma 2...
  11. Yes! Traits and Talents/Skills acquired from your experience would be nice, like in PZ. And use books to learn more stuff.
  12. Hosty

    Character customization won't save

    Really mature, he was just trying to help. <_<
  13. Hasn't been updating for a while now, what's wrong?
  14. Hosty

    dayzgame.com survivor count frozen?

    Weird, mine is still stuck to 246k
  15. Hosty

    dayzgame.com survivor count frozen?

    Please don't derail the topic thank you very much.
  16. It can. I have similar/worse setup. Stop misleading people jeez.
  17. Hosty

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    I wouldn't call script kiddies them who are smart enough to find ways around the engine and sell their hacks. But those that just pay to hack, those yes, are script kiddies.
  18. Hosty

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Join the script kiddies? Sure, BattlEye ban torture room is this way sir!
  19. Hosty

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Why don't you do us a favor and tell Rocket what it is? ofcourse you won't, you're registered to that forum and you have 700 posts on there. GL
  20. Frostbite could never render that many trees/housings. You see, in Battlefield only few trees are 3D. The ones outside the map are just 2D, basically plain textures. I don't see it rendering trees for 2 km ranges or things like that. Don't talk from your ass just because you know a few game engine names.
  21. Hosty

    Got sick when donation blood?

    Maybe the tools you used were infected/damaged? I could be wrong tho
  22. Solution for server hopping: Cooldown on joining server is atleast 30-40 minutes, and that's being kind.
  23. Hosty

    G36 concept art

    It's all nice and stuff but I don't think we'll see this gun in.
  24. Hosty

    Open cans with other sharp objects

    Shovel? I already thought axe was a bit much but a shovel? Don't be ridiculous. Gameplay > Realism