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Everything posted by Hosty

  1. Well no In my opinion either have fast and dangerous zombies Or have slow but many, many more zombies.
  2. Upgrading your GPU will not help in DayZ.
  3. Hosty

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    My god, those graphics. What are your specs, tell me now!
  4. Don't mention that place ever again.
  5. Hosty


    The world would be a better place if you applied that to yourself
  6. Hosty

    Help I need to calm down...!

    This happens to me in competitive games like Dota 2 or SC2 whenever I go ranked games. I start shaking, not sure of what will happen next, my hands and feet get cold and I am in a tense situation. Takes 10-15 minutes to recover after that. In DayZ I try to control myself most of the times, I almost shot someone out of panic but I stopped after 2 bullets fired. EDIT: @antiami No it doesn't phase out. I have 1500-2000 hours on DayZ Mod and Arma 2 and I still experience anxiety when I find a player. It's because you fear dying, just like in real life. Funny, how did Dean manage to do such a thing?
  7. Hosty

    M4 and fresh spawns

    Made me laugh so hard I woke up my parents at 2:00 AM Lul
  8. It will run playable-ish.
  9. Hosty

    Change the 'Magnum .357'

    He's asking to rename it to an actual name because there are multiple .357 revolvers out there
  10. Entertaining to watch. EDIT: Do more!
  11. Hosty

    Mosin and 7.62 ammo box

    You need to empty the ammo box first.
  12. Hosty

    What Have YOU Found

    dat gamma increase tho
  13. Hosty

    Backpack balancing

    IMO the Backpacks need more balancing (apart from need of new backpack varieties) 1. Normal backpack should lose 5 slots 2. Hunting backpack should stay the same 3. Mountain backpack should gain 5 slots What I think there should be is smaller civilian backpacks and make the above ones less common.
  14. Your CPU is very good, that's why. I am getting an i5-4670k this Christmas, gonna be a drastic upgrade over the FX6300
  15. Hosty

    Found A Large Stone In DayZ........

    dat gamma increase tho
  16. Hosty

    Field Of View (FOV)

    Better to have a small disadvantage in fights than not notice a person that will kill you until it's to late, right?
  17. Hosty

    Backpack balancing

    No, the mountain backpack looks double the normal backpack yet it only has 10 more slots ????? Makes no sense. Yea, basically. I can't just start a thread and say in the title " more variety in backpacks" and then write: "read title"
  18. Hosty

    Field Of View (FOV)

    I usually use 3/4ths of the FOV bar I am really glad they made it so easy to change it, not having to go through configs, finding out some random number based off your Resolution and Aspect ratio and put it in, then restart game.
  19. Hosty

    Item shape in relation to slots.

    The inventory is amazing. Go away D:<
  20. Hosty

    3 Word Story ###DAYZ###

    Nice way to derail a thread tho. To 2nd post: I see zombies
  21. Sorry but: 1. It is not an indie game, it is developed by an official company, Bohemia Interactive. 2. It IS an MMO-WIP, Rocket wants to optimize it and keep adding more slots until he reaches 100-125 player servers. TO OP: This isn't grinding, you're not repeatedly killing stuff or doing the same thing, you're scavenging. House by house, village by village. You get lost, you need to find yourself, you need to survive. That isn't grinding at all.
  22. WHAT?! i thought you loved me To OP: Hardcore shit, isn't it?
  23. I know right? He even spends his time during the night working on the game or even bugfixes in the airport while waiting for his plane.
  24. You guys don't get it. Negativity and feedback is essential for the fixing of bugs/features. Hate isn't. /thread