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Everything posted by Hosty

  1. It's a modified ARMA2 engine, made completely to be an MMO. TOH features weren't added in, except for the clouds and maybe soon the helicopter controls.
  2. Hosty

    How many of you hate win8 and why?

    The metro is just ew
  3. Hosty

    Free stuff! Military and more!

    Why did you revive this thread? *facepalm*
  4. https://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/339389338754359297 So what does that mean? Well Rocket said before that the Client/Server Architecture is their main goal in DayZ Developement before releasing. He also said that he will not release the game without this, so it might mean the game is really close to an alpha, maybe June? Just getting my hopes up cause I can. :3
  5. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Yes, and that's why SA will have more FPS than DayZ mod.
  6. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    He doesn't really play on lowest, the details on his videos are pretty nice.
  7. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    I don't know why people whine about 30-40fps. I have 20-25 FPS average and I got so used to it, it seems smooth for me now. If I get 40 FPS (wich never happens) I'd be like, wtf, this isn't the game I used to play.
  8. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Even if it won't be a dramatic FPS change, it will still be there. So yes, expect a bit more FPS.
  9. Actually I have seen a video of rocket mentioning the heartbeat thing, but I don't think you will have enough time to listen to the heartbeat before you're dead.
  10. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

  11. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Wait, they are going to use VAC?
  12. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Man... How can you live without Steam?!
  13. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Downhill, you mean the hype?
  14. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Never said that, End June is actually a pretty close date, lmao.
  15. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    When is E3 again? Offtopic: Holy poop Rocket made a post on my thread :D Also, welcome back to the forums!
  16. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Aw, you're no fun. I know getting your hopes up is bad if your expectations weren't met, but eh, I do not care. I am not gonna complain if it will be released in June/July, but as I said, the architecture was one of the biggest things he was working on.
  17. Hosty

    New tweet from Rocket

    Well I don't think he will delay the Open Alpha if the closed one went smoothly. Right now he is testing the architecture with Matt (Matt told me on skype) and let's hope everything goes well. :3
  18. Hosty

    Why remove the 50?

    Emm not really, AKs were mass built in Russia, so they should be common since Chernarus is a soviet country.
  19. This is indeed what I want as well.
  20. Hosty

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    They are polishing the game to be ready for release. You wouldn't pay for an unplayable game with many bugs and hackers would you?