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Everything posted by Hosty

  1. I never trust anyone at first, it's the biggest mistake one can do in this game, only a few seconds are needed to lose everything. Some people say don't get attached to your loot, but I assure you, after playing for 3-6 hours or a few days, you will definitely not love losing your stuff. After 10-20 minutes of playing with someone I realize he's to be trusted.
  2. I use it to show my newbie friend where is where but I really like getting lost or scavenging without knowing what city it is. And if I recognize a city, I don't need a map to find my way, just a compass is enough.
  3. Learn which berries are which first. Not all berries are good to eat you know. With this logic you could die in real life too, you learned your lesson.
  4. Hosty

    Blood Type Linked to Steam Account Idea??

    It's a good idea since not knowing your blood type every time makes blood bags useless.
  5. Hosty

    A bag

    I think you should be able to take it off if you're not handcuffed.
  6. To be honest it doesn't matter since I can't find a populated, day+night server ;-;
  7. Hosty

    .357 Python sound

    Didn't get to try out the python but I sure think the Mosin is way better now.
  8. Hosty

    Best feeling in-game?

    Best feeling for me is probably having a DayZ all nighter then see the sun rise in the morning.
  9. Glad you're enjoying the game mate, and yea, the players ingame aren't that nice.
  10. Hosty

    [SA]Trees with moss

    So what happened to him?
  11. That white is hurting my eyes ;-;
  12. Hosty

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    I was kidding lmao, but seriously, this is a survival game. Would you eat random fruit off a bush irl?
  13. Hosty

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    what kind of idiot would eat a random berry off a bush
  14. Hosty

    Modern Weapons

    The only modern-ish weapon I'd want to see is the AK-74 and the older, AKM model
  15. Hosty

    Will this computer work?

    I'd go with the i7 for a game like DayZ tho and it's more future proof. The 680 is a very good card and it will be useful for atleast another year.
  16. Hosty

    Will this computer work?

    AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA WOW THAT JOKE no Also yes OP, it will work on DayZ flawlessly.
  17. Hosty

    Costom Bullets!

    Bullets don't work that way... But I think this would work a bit better with shotgun shells? I saw quite a few videos with custom pellets and whatnot inside the shells.
  18. I want my fire fuel books please. I want to burn bibles.
  19. Hosty

    Bandits are NOT ruining DayZ

    I see it like this: The game should have a balance of Survivors and Bandits. Survivors should be the major part, like the 60% Bandits should be a slightly lesser part, like 40% Right now it's basically Survivors 10% and Bandits 90%, it isn't fun at all.
  20. Hosty

    Strange popup notice

    Sounds like a bug with some clothing, as Smasht said it will get fixed.
  21. Hosty

    What got you hooked in playing DayZ?

    Well to be honest I didn't want to play it, but my friend showed me it and a few videos, then I fell in love with the mod back in May/June 2013. I stole my mother's credit card to buy it. And what kept me playing it: 1. Making camps 2. Large world map 3. Realistic sniping and realistic guns 4. Scavenging for loot, satisfaction when finding good and rare things 5. Helping people in need and killing the bad dudes :3
  22. Hosty

    Night vision needs to be implemented ASAP

  23. Watched the video, proud there are people like you who don't just KOS but make the game fun. oh and fresh spawns =/= noobs but that red shirt kid was actually a noob
  24. Hosty


    nice b8 m8