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Everything posted by Hosty

  1. Anyone notice how smoother the game looks in comparation to E3?
  2. Hosty

    What the fffuweapon damage??

    And the shit meter
  3. Hosty

    What the fffuweapon damage??

    This was a year ago.
  4. Hold on let me scan for some possible logic in your post... Hmm... Nope, didn't find anything.
  5. BF3 is moddable, but you can get banned. Rocket has implemented so that you cannot start up the game if it was modified in the core files.
  6. Modding the game also allows hacking. So rocket has to decide carefully.
  7. Hosty

    What does it mean by " Private Hive " ?

    A hive is a database where your character position , stats and inventory is stored. Public Hive is the official DayZ hive. Private hives are mostly referred to the one wich have their own databases
  8. We do not need your complains, and rest assured, Rocket knows the game's flaws and malfunctions better than you do at this point. They do indeed know how to make a proper game, I bet you do not even have any programming nor game designing experience. THIS is what they do for a living. THIS is what they are specialized for. So your posts of rage only start fights, not helping the game one bit. If you're interested in the game but frustrated, just stop complaining and live on with your life, play different games, go out with your friends. DON'T rage on a game and DON'T act like a kid. The whole forums would appreciate that.
  9. For the lazy people(TLDR): "I am a little bitch and all I can do on the internet is complain about a game, fuck rocket and he should go die cause he owes us a billion dollars"
  10. Hosty

    Am I old enough.

    Please make this happen
  11. The way he said it was a joke. I know it's coming for PC first.
  12. The first time I thought they took a picture of some real life Chernarus stuff, since I never seen those trees ingame. Then I realized it was DayZ. xD
  13. Did you really have to write all that for a joke tweet?
  14. Watch Blizzard's Engine changes History for Starcraft 2 video. They needed 5 years to perfect Starcraft plus Blizzard is a large company wich has the funds to create a sucessful game. Bohemia, is not the same. And you're bitching over 8 months? I bet you are a 12 year old impatient fuck who can't stand waiting more than his summer vacantions to end. Give Rocket some fucking space, he's human.
  15. IMO it looks like he used some tools to make the map and then just added villages. Don't belive it took 1000 hours. Hell, I played 2000 hours on dayz myself. Why'd I waste half that time for making the map?!
  16. Bayonet on a mortar? You wot m8
  17. Totally don't like the sight, maybe it's just me. BUT. The bayonette is fucking epic, so is the silencer :3
  18. Why's everyone voting for Aftermath? It's in closed beta.. Also, voting for Overwatch.
  19. Hosty

    Melee is now Pointless

    All I see is whining in this thread.
  20. Hosty

    Being Sexually Violated in DayZRP

    Lol, desperate teens. C:
  21. Hosty

    Any, Disturbing things you have, "Witnessed"

    He's just a rookie. (Psst, don't tell Dolfy! He might get executed...)
  22. Hosty

    Green mountain

    Thanks for making me never go there again