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About iHACC

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. You aren't going to get higher even with the little optimization, i have a Q9550 and GTS 250 and i have higher fps than you. Up to 70fps on land and 30 fps in cities on a good server.
  2. iHACC

    DayZ Commander doesnt Patch Arma

    update with Six Launcher and it should fix.
  3. iHACC

    Server 1931 FUNNY LOL

  4. iHACC

    Low fps on some servers

    You just gotta wait for server restart then everything will be fine again.
  5. iHACC

    Can my mac run DayZ?

    10 fps on dayz, set eveything to the lowest and resolution to 800x600 or lower if you can.
  6. iHACC

    I have 7 FPS at the max Please help!

    Just buy a new computer, you aren't going to get anything higher than 7 with those specs.
  7. Honestly it wouldn't run well, you can try playing the free version of arma to see it yourself. IMO i'd suggest to build a desktop. Also use this website to http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  8. ........... post laptop specs.
  9. iHACC

    Soldier Camo?

    I'm wearing them on my guy, got it while on a server. They broke my legs when i spawned in then magically gave me Soldier camo, few seconds later i could walk even with the broken leg sign.
  10. iHACC

    Fixing LAG!!!

    Wait how'd you fix your lag? and what are your computer specs
  11. Same here, i had the game running around 30-40 fps now it's gone to 3-11 fps
  12. iHACC

    Lowest Settings my Pc can run DayZ?

    yes you can run it, 3-9 fps and everything very low.
  13. What processor do you have?
  14. Me and a bunch of people were teleported and killed :/