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super pretendo

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Everything posted by super pretendo

  1. super pretendo

    Any chance for being able to play as a girl?

    I think he was kidding
  2. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    I'm saying people aren't always what they seem on the outside in real life
  3. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    Sure the bandit skin is a brand that doesn't necessarily reflect you as a player, but that's really the way of things, in game or in real life. I have a bandit skin and it's harder for players to trust me. But I can also know who to pick out in a down to bring "frontier justice" and clean towns of PKers.
  4. super pretendo

    Ghillie Suits

    Gillie suits IRL involve gathering the foliage from your very location, so I think you should be able to interact with bushes and trees to complete the camouflage.
  5. super pretendo

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    I doubt that will ever happen. What could happen however' date=' is that BI take him under their wing and produce the mod with official support, or more specifically: an offshot we would have to buy later on. [/quote'] Pretty sure he's a BI employee
  6. super pretendo


    there are options for barricades! You can deploy razor wire to block off areas.
  7. super pretendo

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    Yeah BI has probably made tens of thousands off this mod's popularity, grats guys. It's always good to see the inspired, principled indie businesses succeed.
  8. super pretendo

    Blood reworking

    I totally agree dallas, having blood loss should be a big deal and you should have unique benefits with player cooperation. But this change wouldn't make such cooperation any less necessary. With my current suggestion, it would take over two days of being constantly well fed while logged on to go from 100 blood to max again.
  9. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    But you can assign different weights to different gameplay styles. We already do, in fact, we have skins for players, and that system makes a lot of sense. Players choose their gameplay and also choose associated challenges that come along with it. For hardcore griefers, one challenge is a slightly unfavorable reincarnation, in the wilderness a bit with one less can of food and mag, and not coyote pack. Then they have to walk to town and grab a winchester and czech pack like everyone else already does. Is having to do this a dealbreaker in a survival mod that's already 225 square miles of land that people travel on foot? If you think so, you have serious delusions or haven't really played this game. That's not 1/10th of 1/10th of the biggest challenge you can face in this game. Because I was fighting a griefer, I had to crawl back to a town with 600 blood with a broken leg. It took forever and I probably wasted time. But thats what this mod is, it's hardcore. Slightly weighting reincarnation for karma isn't even a slap on the wrist in comparison. Hell it will barely deterrent, probably. But it lets non-griefers actually fight back and solve PK problems and lets them feel satisfied about it, with closure. What we have no is just displacing the bandits with no resolution for the players that tried to do something within the game. So let's give players the power to resolve such conflicts themselves with this small change.
  10. super pretendo

    The Gang

    I wish more bandits would be organized and do cool things like this
  11. super pretendo

    300 m view distance...

    Can we get confirmation that the super low view cap is for server performance? I find this hard to believe
  12. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    Having a deterrent or FUTURE CONSIDERATION does prevent banditry just like having an IMMEDIATE PROBLEM does, just in different ways. I don't see a problem with both, having more responsive and challenging zombies forcing players to make decisions for the immediate, and having the respawn system weighted for humanity to make players have at least minor considerations in the future if they are just going to play to grief people's gameplay. Right now the threat and survival aspect of this game is overwhelming the pvp aspect, with zombies being environmental hazards. It needs to be nudged towards a game where seeing a player more of a sigh of relief than the worst thing in the world that it is now. Bandits SHOULD fear retribution. If they do, it will encourage players to band together and fight back and actually end a problem. And the CoD reference and the survival realism points are both pertinent. This game should be mainly a game of zombie survival, not "don't become part of timmy's l33t killstreak". For anyone that's wondering if i'm some sort of anti-pvp busybody, you couldn't be more wrong. I AM a bandit. But now what I mostly do is hunt bandits, because there are so many random PKers.
  13. super pretendo

    300 m view distance...

    Actually, it's no the weather. Even on clear days there is such a limitation on view distance. It used to be two or three times as far, but now it's eyerollingly low. And the fog looks nothing like fog
  14. I initially thought this would be a bad idea, but I think NPC civilians "civilizing" and populating towns that players worked to settle and civilize is a good idea, especially since we currently have no "infect and turn" zombie fiction mechanic that is the most terrifying aspect of it. This would also be an easy way to show where hordes of zombies are attracted to. This is one half of something that the game is desperately missing; players actually having to defend something from a zombie invasion. Currently zombie's cant even invade and just wait for players to bump into them. And even if zombies DO roam as hordes in future patches, as I am sure they will, due to overwhelming player wants, players will have no reason to actually stop a zombie incursion into a town. Having some civilian NPCs will breathe life into towns and make them worth stopping zombies, when coupled with things like repairing plants to get streetlights and services working. And for bandit gangs, this will encourage bandits to cooperate and have something really awesome and satisfying to raid and take over. But having cans as a currency is silly, that makes no sense
  15. super pretendo

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    4chan /v/ and /vg/ have constant threads, and I have been playing for about three weeks, and I saw threads for weeks before that, so I think they predated kilroy by a bit. I actually did watch kilroys videos, after hearing it on 4chan. Then I think there were big reddit threads following that
  16. super pretendo

    Map is too big?

    The map is perfect size in my opinion. We just need servers to be 100 player standard, 50 is a bit too low
  17. super pretendo

    A case for "classic" Zeds

    I strongly agree. Their difficulty should be from their durability and numbers, NOT their silly superhuman speed. Maybe have both types with runners being less common
  18. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    I'd specifically like to hear feedback on the karma respawn idea... ther eis absolutely no reason not to have it as far as I can see
  19. So yeah, the consensus is overwhelmingly that the very low view distance cap needs to be removed. Has anyone noticed that when you look into a forest's treeline, it looks like just one layer of trees with a white background? it's really ugly and the view distance needs to go back to at least 1500m
  20. super pretendo

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    I AM a bandit. Bandits punish every other player, and being a 15 year old tryhard killing everyone you can shouldn't be the end all be all of this game. of course, this should be a playstyle, but there should be hurdles for those players. I am proposing something extremely mild that doesn't actually change or limit gameplay
  21. super pretendo

    Solution to bandit bothers

    To solve this problem without artificial "no pvp" garbage, let's look at parts of the game which are already divorced from player freedom and realism for the sake of abstract game balance: spawning. Give players with high humanity better spawns (nearer to cities which have better loot) and those with very low humanity get crappy spawns, sometimes inland in the wilderness where they may even be lost. I can't really see a problem with this, as re spawning isn't game breaking but is definitely a hassle. Let it still be random, but within certain parameters for each groups.
  22. super pretendo

    The Gang

    Um... what? Those would be care bears. PvP is awesome, but calling others care bears is just trying too hard to look hard.