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About Xantos123

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  1. I killed a man for his beans...
  2. Xantos123

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Getting the same thing i cannot play it happens for me at nwaf and elecktro and other places.
  3. eatmydiction i love him no homo :P
  4. i was just trying to survive trust no one.
  5. I was running around cherno today and i had some zombies chasing me and i ran into the store and i saw this guy with a ak look at me for a split second so i aimed at him and unloaded on him i hit him with one shot and ran to the back and he was at the door when i put atleast 20 bullets into and looted him he had a bunch of stuff i feel bad for killing him because it took him along time to get that stuff does anybody else feel bad for killing people. (he fired before i shot..)
  6. Xantos123

    Amazing revenge and loot ruined by lag

    that freakin sucks hopefully lags will be reduced alot
  7. Xantos123

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    some people cant afford a upgraded pc? idk ideas.
  8. Xantos123

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    I think that this is a good idea but creating this by one person would be very difficult?
  9. Xantos123

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    keyboard compatible?
  10. Xantos123

    DayZ: Nerf Planes

    it glitches sometimes as i believe.