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Everything posted by Zombie_Bob

  1. Zombie_Bob

    Tweaking Tips ==WARNING WALL OF TEXT==

    Why delete the guide only a few days after posting it? It would've been a useful resource for new players.
  2. Zombie_Bob

    Why Ban Me

    I'm not Rocket, a dev, a moderator, or an admin. You are correct. While my status may not be "important" enough by your standards, anyone who believes in fair punishment may view my lowly opinion a bit differently than you do.Granted, not every server admin is going to play fair. That's just the way it is. To borrow one of your own quotes, perhaps this admin is one of those who perma-bans alleged bug exploiters "all day long". I'd like to believe that he's not. Whether the kid gets unbanned or not, it's no skin off my back. I'm just here for the discussion. Temp-bans have always worked just fine in other games I've played (Soldat, UT, even Everquest), so there's no reason to believe they shouldn't work just as well in DayZ.
  3. Zombie_Bob

    Why Ban Me

    Severe enough for a 72 hour ban? Certainly. But a perma-ban? I disagree -- especially when the admin himself is a fellow player who may be guilty of playing favorites. The nice thing about soft bans is that they give the alleged soft-core cheaters an opportunity to correct their behavior. If they don't, then they risk perma-ban. With the game being in an alpha state, such bug exploitation is to be expected. If you give gamers the tools to cheat they'll usually cheat. While bug exploitation should never be encouraged, it's this form of behavior that leads to bugs being discovered and eventually fixed.
  4. Zombie_Bob

    Why Ban Me

    He claims you have a personal vendetta, while you claim he wasn't playing fair.We have no way of verifying either of your stories. However, you did acknowledge that he wasn't using a hack, so perma-banning him does seem a bit excessive. Given the nature of his offense, a perma-ban does give credence to his claim that this was a personal vendetta, which doesn't seem like something a nice guy with a full time job, a wife, and three kids would do, right? So why not give him a 72 hour ban to help him think things over? Even a simple warning\kick would've been good enough to deliver your message.