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Posts posted by AtomicJunction1

  1. Yeah, I have seen this, but what surprises me is that I go onto this server and go to setup my base (my previous home server got shut down but my character was still in the spot where I was setting up my camp) and yeah, I go to the place only to find... not one, two or three tents full of valuable loot, but seven!

    It had EVERYTHING an experienced survivor/ bandit would hope to find.

    Multiple sets of NVG's

    All the parts required to max green a vehicle

    A mk48 mod 0 LMG (3 mags inc)

    CZ550 (7 mags)

    3 Sets of guillie suits

    Cammo clothing


    AS50 with 2 Mags


    and all the nooby tools you would expect to find when your at the coast.

    Not only did I find this base where I was gonna set mine up at, but I found an additional THREE bases roughly one to two kilometres distant from the first one. They all had moderately good loot in it.

    Just as a tip as well: If your looking for bases yourself, I would look at the DayZ map and anywhere theres a land mark (Be it city/ town/ river) theres a high chance of a base being there.

    Also look at VERY high mountains.

  2. Dont expect to die EVERY time you go up there. Make a base or something and store what you dont need to

    take with you to NW Airfield.

    What I usually do is when I spawn I find a decent pack (Alice pack is the best you can find on the coast) grab a gun or two,

    head North, setup a camp and store your spare gear.

    "Go and die."

    travel North again and gear up with what you stored.

    50% of your time saved!

  3. Hey everyone!

    I have played DayZ for a long time and I find that I have become somewhat of a bandit. It gets a bit boring, trying to kill people on my own and my friends always die so its a bit hard to meet up with them.

    Just wondering if there are any decent, non noobish, mature bandit clans out there willing to let me join up with them?
