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About masrad

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. masrad

    Probably the best suggestion ever.

    And that's the thing, you have airstrips, military installations, if you get lucky enough to find camouflage, you get camouflage...or if you seriously want camo you keep looking and looking. like I said, just a rough idea...can definitely be expanded
  2. I have seen a lot of suggestions for different skins and whatnot throughout the forums, people like being a bandit/hero, ghillie suits, blah blah. In all reality, this game is striving for realism, as we all can understand from what is going on in-game. That being said: Bandit/Hero skins I think should be taken out for the DayZ Standalone, realism is a huge part of this suggestion, no one just turns into a bandit magically. As for skins being lootable in the world, I also don't think these should be scattered around the lootable positions. Instead, I think houses, fire stations, police stations, etc. should have remnants of everything that would be found in said establishment... Firehouse: Make one actually look like a firehouse, fireman's quarters, kitchen, beds, closets...firemen left behind their jacket? cool, i'll pick it up and wear it! fireman left behind his pants? awesome, ill pick it up and wear it! Oh look, there's a fire helmet, I'd like to wear that too. Police Station: Again, make it look like a police station...they left behind a gun with some ammo? take it...uniforms? hats? riot helmet? all lootable/wearable separately. residents: different shirts, pants, zombie hits you and rips a hole in your shirt, or takes the whole thing off? grab a new one from the closet. this guy has boots and a locker for his hunting gear? break the shit out of it with your hatchet/axe and get the shotguns/rifles and some ammunition. I found a handkerchief! lemme use it as a bandana, around my head, or look like a terrorist...found a shemagh in a department store? use it to look like a bandit! this guy had sunglasses too, awesome... Other thoughts: Look at this dumbass in reflective fireman's gear - /pew pew pew, now i can take his fire helmet/bandana/sunglasses and wear it for myself...woopeee Please keep this thread clean of spam, and just use it if you have other thoughts to add onto mine, this is just a rough idea...maybe if it attracts enough attention it will snowball into being into the game. maybe poll to get it stickied to get some good ideas in.
  3. masrad


    this game is all about "realism"...now in reality if you're sprinting at somebody, someone is going to fall down, and if that person is standing unguarded and someone sprinting at them with a shoulder down, they're not just both going to stop in place...Now you could have put in some kind of useful fucking feedback like: hey how about maybe only being able to knock down one or two zombies, because realistically, hitting something is going to slow you down, maybe that could also be a negative effect of pushing zombies out of the way, limiting the amount of zombies you can actually break through
  4. I am so fucking sick of getting stuck inside buildings and not being able to run out cuz 1 zombie is in the door bugged and swinging and im ACROSS the room, so he shouldnt even be standing there swinging and i cant fucking get out cuz hes standing there and other zombies are beating the shit out of me. put in a feature where we can shove zombies out of the way or knock them down while sprinting, and give a chance to be bitten or smacked and bleed
  5. WHAT SIX THOUSAND?!?! i'd play on it if I could see myself on the map.
  6. masrad

    Graphical bugs

    this actually doesnt do anything for me when i press it
  7. YES THIS WORKED FOR ME! No more annoying triangles (artifacting) raping my vision! LOVE YOU!
  8. IMO: Bullet Proof Vests Ballistic Helmets Changeable clothes / boots + pants + shirts + headgear / - FOUND IN WORLD - MUST BE KEPT INSIDE BACKPACKS/TENTS FOR STORAGE Make the bells in towns usable by players, not just a static sound so people can use it to signal - maybe? Fix the admin commands, cuz people are abusing the shit out of them porting people into 1 spot for a killing spree