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About Jpl188

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  1. AGE - 19 GENDER - Male NAME -Joseph INGAME NAME - Joe COUNTRY - USA WHAT IS YOUR PLAY STYLE: Marksman/Tatical (Although i'd enjoy medic/scout as well) SKYPE - jpl188 TIMEZONE - Central HOURS YOU CAN PLAY - i can play 2-4 hours per day, i work and go to college(although my semester is over at the moment, so i have a lot more free time)
  2. I used to play a lot of DayZ before i took a break, now i'm back and have been trying out Origins and it seems to be right down my alley. I don't have much experience with origins, but i'm well rounded at shooting and mechanics i am a very relaxed and combat ready person. I'm 19, and love to have a good time killing people. Hope to hear from a few people soon, happy hunting.
  3. Jpl188

    Stuck in Ocean

    it just seems a bit ridiculous that this is an event that will take a long time to fix, and has been happening for awhile.
  4. Jpl188

    Stuck in Ocean

    I quit this game awhile back, before i quit i was spawned in to the ocean by a hacker and apparently have been saved there since. Is there a quick way to die in the ocean? I have been sitting in the water for an hour now, and my food meter hasn't really gone done.
  5. So i logged in at my usual sniper spot on us 430 Atlanta about 2 minutes ago, and to my surprise i found a helicopter over some trees firing at people. I assumed they were hackers, because most people don't float in such a dangerous area in a thing that is a pain in the tail to find and repair. I quickly switched to my as50, and i heard them firing (but i don't think it was at me) and i put 8 shots(was spam firing just hitting it over and over) in to their engine from about 700m out (although they were in the sky a bit up, so i don't know if zeroing ignores that?) and it started to lose altitude quickly and eventually hit the ground and exploded! How many of you guys have done this, and was it as exciting for you as it is for me right now? P.S.-I didn't record it unfortunately, because i normally don't record things like dayz given my boring style of wait and shoot that i have. Normally i would have let the helicopter alone and left because they are such a pain to repair (my clan spent like 4 hours getting all the jerry cans and glass and parts), but we lost ours to a hacker the other day.
  6. Jpl188

    admin is cheating what a suprise

    Thermal m4a1 and a cousin who is technically ghosting... yep.. no problems here.
  7. Jpl188

    i don't understand

    This. This topic will be locked if infact you are banned by battleye(go to that link he just gave and get the battleye email address, then send them a request following their guidelines). Please read the stickies next time, even if you weren't hacking and got banned, that doesn't create a situation where you cannot read simple things over the forums.
  8. If i can give advice, considering i was unfortunate enough to have this curse fall upon me within the time frame of the patch. I was logging in to play dayz, and i started to get some artificing, so i logged in and out to get rid of it. When i logged back in, i was immediately banned(i am now unbanned). I was unbanned within 8 hours(thankfully, because alot of people seem to have troubles with the time it takes). My advice on writing your ban appeal to battleye is simple.. READ THE RULES. On their support website it tells you a list of rules for which you are to write your email accordingly. Use the bare minimum, do not tell stories, do not ask "why", and ensure that you include your ban id! They don't care if you were hitting up the stary tents and you "think" someone was watching you. They want you to(at least in my experience) be to the point and informative. My email was about 3 sentence long, and it worked well for me, as a legitimate player. I hope that if you have been banned and you have NOT done anything wrong, then you get unbanned soon. For the people who think that "an innocent teleport" is not hacking, then you deserve to be banned.
  9. Jpl188

    DayZ wtf i going on? Ban hacker not me!!!

    "No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored." A direct quote from the battleye support website. Simply contact the battleye support team via email in order to see if you(the OP) can get unbanned.
  10. Jpl188

    The bans..

    simply contact the battleye support email with an email following their EXACT guidelines. Don't spin a yarn, don't talk about how you were on vacation or anything like that. Simply include your global ban id, and tell them what you were doing at the time (not a step by step, include whether you were playing for an extended period of time then were banned mid-play, or banned on login). This is a direct quote from the Battleye support page on their website. ! IMPORTANT WARNING REGARDING GLOBAL BANS ! If you are globally banned, read the following rules before sending in a support request. If you don't follow these rules your request/e-mail will be ignored! Otherwise your individual case will be carefully investigated. No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it. Include your exact (!) global ban ID. The ID is shown in your global ban message ("Global Ban #ID"). If you don't include it your request will be ignored. Do not tell stories. Whatever you are saying about yourself or your situation won't matter. The only thing that matters is the evidence that is gathered for every global ban issued. Do not ask for the evidence behind your ban. No details about it will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information. Do not beg for mercy. If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made. Questions regarding how exactly to get unbanned will be ignored. No support will be given on how to buy a new game or change your cd-key. Again, if you don't follow these rules your request will be ignored! Note that you will not receive a response if the evidence clearly indicates that you or someone else using your cd-key cheated. It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period.
  11. Jpl188

    All servers suddenly laggy?

    that solved it improperly displaying 9999ping, but every single server (including servers where it shows me at 60 or lower ping) are incredibly laggy. It's not my graphics card, so i don't know what it could be.. My internet is loading 1080p videos quickly so i doubt it's actually that.. Edit: Just ran another video game, and it is insanely choppy too. I have a geforce gtx 550 that was having no trouble until now. Guess i'll have to try to fix it/get a new one...
  12. Jpl188

    All servers suddenly laggy?

    Sixlauncher. I'm using the newest version, and i was running it fine earlier, until now.
  13. I've been playing most of the day doing perfectly fine with my fps and my connection being fine. Suddenly most of my servers say 9999. I don't believe it's my internet because i can watch 1080p videos easily and other things like that. I haven't changed anything/downloaded anything since it was working fine earlier, so i am confused. Any suggestions?