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About flapjax

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    On the Coast
  1. flapjax

    New script named: Mortal kombat

    This just happened to me I couldn't stop laughing
  2. I agree, playing in groups makes you a bit more apt to attacking other players and taking more risks.
  3. I have been ambushed about twice on my current character, and have survived each one. I killed two attackers the first time and upon checking their loot I find that they were fully stocked on ammo, food and medical supplies. During the second ambush I killed one of the attackers before the others disconnected. Again, the person I looted was fully stocked with ammo, food and medical supplies. What did these people expect to gain from killing me? They were already stocked and had better weapons, so attacking me would have just wasted their ammo and resources. Do people just shoot others on sight now?