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Posts posted by Kevono

  1. I'm seeing more and more hackers every day. Its almost 95% of people you see with a ghillie suit. They spawns boxes of guns/ammo/supplies, and what ever vehicle they want.

    Sadly their blowing up major building in all major cities, killing new spawns on sight.

    Hacking and killing unarmed is the game for them.

  2. I just think someone disconnecting really isnt a big deal. So you didnt get your kill. Big fuckin woop

    There are 12 year old kids in CoD that have bigger balls than you.

    DCing is a big deal because the person shooting is putting himself in danger for a reward.

    You are on your 14th day without a murder because you wimper and cry once you see another player and instantly DC.

    Ohh your also french, isn't that coincidental. Surrendering....DCing....

  3. Same here, then when you mention the problem a bunch of lonely retards message you with useless information in a offensive manner.

    I understand it is an alpha that is why people point the SHIT out in the Mod to mention the problems so the Day Z team can try to fix the problem.

    we are the worker bee's we payed for Arma 2 to help and make the game better then it is in this moment.

    now listen to the post's and take your SHIT seriously, try to listen to the people trying to help out using their time to care for the ALPHA by messaging these ridiculous problems.

    Telling friends to play this game has now become embarrassing.

    So true, I tried to introduce this game to my class, (50 gamers).

    They saw the glitch and said they arnt wasting their money.

  4. FIX!

    Left shift + (Minus numpad button) ... the invisible console will appear.. than type "flush" withnout those (")


    not sure if it fix barbed wire.. but these common glitches in balota,NE airstrip,NW airfield,Green mountain,... are made by death army corpes

    Its works for about 5 seconds

    I flushed about 5 times.

    Then got banned from a server from battleeye

  5. I spawned near the south west airstrip and it was blown to bits. I went south to the medical camp and found multiple NPCs prone with G36C SDs, I killed them and picked the gun up.

    Recently I read that it is a hacked weapon in a topic a few months ago.

    I'm just curious if it still is hacked, or if these NPCs are now spawning randomly.

    Will I get banned because I picked it up?
