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Everything posted by vredg

  1. I believe that humanity should influence game play in *some way* (not necessary in a clear negative way). I think that most players do. And it seems that Rocket also has some goal with it for the future: "Humanity will be retained for an undisclosed purpose." I'm not that upset with removing the bandit skin anymore actually :) Now I'm more curious what consequences humanity will have when (if) those are implemented..
  2. vredg

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Sure seems that way. Many have an default aggressive communcation style on internet forums. Not trying or wanting to see other peoples points, or wanting to discuss matters like grown ups.
  3. You will never have all the ways of interacting with the world in a game that you have IRL. So trying to create a 100% 'realistic' game is probably not going to be very playable. You have to cut realism in some ways, like the above mentioned. But I do believe that the realism argument is quite overblown. I think the focus of this game should be to create a suspenseful environment and a world full of consequence. This needs quite alot of realism, but you have to take other aspects into account as well.
  4. vredg

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Anti-DDOS code in master server (for when all players are connecting at once after scheduled maintenance) and a queue mechanism on game servers. At least the latter. That should do it..? I believe the biggest problem with this game right now is the need to restart the game servers all the time.
  5. In what regard is the current bandit/survivor-system broken?
  6. vredg

    Player count per server plans

    A server with 100 players would take a great deal of cpu power. I don't think a hexacore would suffice. Probably you'll need at least two fast quad cores. Could prove quite expensive.
  7. If I'm correct the last weeks the master server has been at it's limits causing instability and long waiting times. Is this correct? Are there any plans in that case to upgrade it? Or, if it's a software issue, to optimise it's code? Anyhow. Thanks for a really great game/mod! One of the very best in years.
  8. Too bad Linux isn't supported. Otherwise I could've hosted on my server.
  9. Sounds like a good solution if it's not too much work. Currently, during peek times, the servers are rarely stable (for more than perhaps max 1h). This is at least my experience (only been playing for a couple of days).
  10. Are there servers that block the Gamespy listening service? And how do you find one in that case?
  11. Ok. I guess there's not workaround then for the Gamespy query-port (other than disabling it / or restarting app/server). I agree with Intigo. Really problematic to play during peak times on many of the servers.