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About Ben-X

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jay is banned already. I want a tool, where I can search files for tags wich are stored in a file. I mean, we are rotating our logs and its annoying to scan every file seperate. I want to scan all scripts.log stored in the subfolders of the log-rotate + scripts.txt as input. Actually the command findstr from Windows can do this, but input tags are way to long for this command. I think a simple batch could deal with this problem. Kind Regards, Ben-X
  2. Is there any list in the depths of the internet, that describes the entries in script log? Otherwise... how should I know if he was cheating? I was not there... actually I am @holidays and can't play atm. I can only rely on the statements from my mates.
  3. Okay, thank you guys. So far... and now I have to contact the dayz-dev-team to get their OK for at least Jay's ban and maybe Kane as well? But till then, temporary ban for Jay is ok, isn't it?
  4. Hello there, I am co-admin of the server DE714 (Rootserver GMT+3) and my mates told me, there was/were a hacker/hackers on the server yesterday. They wanted me to scan the logfiles and I found the following entries with the Cheatfinder: TODAY: 09.08.2012 12:04:18: AQSU ( f6e3b51a3d0a129de8b967481c39defa - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 09.08.2012 12:04:18: AQSU ( f6e3b51a3d0a129de8b967481c39defa - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 09.08.2012 01:13:01: Green Ops ( 991d7f407d668686b4b67a70da78bbb0 - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; YESTERDAY: 08.08.2012 20:11:20: Fabregi12 ( 4a1143cf988086704092e176591b51ec - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 08.08.2012 20:11:20: Fabregi12 ( 4a1143cf988086704092e176591b51ec - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 08.08.2012 18:24:25: Fabregi12 ( 4a1143cf988086704092e176591b51ec - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 08.08.2012 18:24:25: Fabregi12 ( 4a1143cf988086704092e176591b51ec - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 08.08.2012 17:02:19: Sich ( 5df801f0b6c922f94b8334aea7a21b83 - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 08.08.2012 17:02:19: Sich ( 5df801f0b6c922f94b8334aea7a21b83 - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 08.08.2012 15:34:12: That Dale ( d51e054dcf07aa60a82a00809173e13c - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; 08.08.2012 07:47:01: Jay ( 58bd63ad1c76180d2d3c89e2ad9bde03 - #27 { _zombie = _zombies select _i; _zombie setDamage 1; }; }; titleText ["Zombie Shield deact 08.08.2012 07:47:02: Jay ( 58bd63ad1c76180d2d3c89e2ad9bde03 - #27 _text,"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4; _player setDamage 1; }; }; }; }; }; titleText ["Player Shield 08.08.2012 07:47:10: Jay ( 58bd63ad1c76180d2d3c89e2ad9bde03 - #36 {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};'; player setVehicleInit _strExecCode; processInitCommands; clearVe 08.08.2012 07:47:10: Jay ( 58bd63ad1c76180d2d3c89e2ad9bde03 - #43 leInit _strExecCode; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit player; bInvisibleOn = true; hint "Your 08.08.2012 07:47:10: Jay ( 58bd63ad1c76180d2d3c89e2ad9bde03 - #55 '; player setVehicleInit _strExecCode; processInitCommands; clearVehicleInit player; bInvisibleOn 08.08.2012 07:46:15: Kane ( a7798b4fafcc72377176e561fba2f73a - #11 andom (_variation * 2)) - _variation)]; _bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt]; _dir = ([_hit 08.08.2012 07:46:15: Kane ( a7798b4fafcc72377176e561fba2f73a - #35 eelF", _endPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bolt setPosATL _endPos; _bolt setDir (getDir _unit); _bolt s 08.08.2012 07:46:15: Kane ( a7798b4fafcc72377176e561fba2f73a - #11 andom (_variation * 2)) - _variation)]; _bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt]; _dir = ([_hit 08.08.2012 07:46:15: Kane ( a7798b4fafcc72377176e561fba2f73a - #35 eelF", _endPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bolt setPosATL _endPos; _bolt setDir (getDir _unit); _bolt s They said he did teleport over the whole map and killed everyone. And at least he blew up a nuke. But these lines kinda doesn't match with what they are describing. Anyway, could they give any hints for a hack? Thanks mates! Ben-X
  5. Ben-X

    Light source suggestion (For night)

    Rocket should fix the bicycle headlight (make it work due to the dynamo) and add some blinking LED headtorch!! :)
  6. Ben-X

    My big, fat wishlist

    And what about unlimited stamina? Did you ever run hundreds of kilometres without having a break? ;)
  7. lol... who the fuck would hack supplies!? as if you can't find them behind every second corner.
  8. There is nothing to add, but food should give less blood. And there is another problem... "Oh im thirsty, to bad I have no water bottle. Now I have to die because I am to stupid to drink out of the lake with my hands." Rocket, please add an option for this!