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About stokvis

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  1. stokvis

    Aim Problem

    Maybe unnecessary but check your keyboard and mouse options, perhaps you changed it accidentally.
  2. Hello, NL Forces is back in business. We've had a very populated server in the past, but because of hacking problems we closed the server. We want to give it another try with Gotcha antihack, but it's not that busy on the servers at the moment, therefore this post. We have two groups (bandits and heroes) and play against eachother at the moment, but we want more players to play with/against. You can find us in DayZ Commander: look for NL Forces. You will need the latest patch of ARMA, which is not deployed in DayZ Commander yet, you can find it here, very easy to install: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_100056.zip Just unzip and install the .exe file. Map: Chernarus Slots: 40 Server time: UTC-1 75 vehicles Day & night Restart every 6 hours Side chat is on (voice in side chat isn't allowed) Spoken language is Dutch and (mostly) English. For further information or in case you need help you can join our TS3-server: voice.nlforces.com.
  3. stokvis

    [EcF] Elite Combat Forces

    Since your site is bugged as hell I will post it here. I know some of your members are spawning items on our server. They can espect the banhammer on their little brains if they don't stop with this crap. It's just pathetic and if they don't want to follow the rules they can leave. Normally spoken I would have banned them instantly, but since they are playing from the start I will give them a second chance. Stokvis NL Forces
  4. Aaaaaand the host turned it off. I am starting to hate them. :\
  5. I think it is fixed, because ts can play again. NL Forces is up and running.
  6. They do not react if their opinion is that the ban is legit. Give it another try. And regarding to your question: I don't know.
  7. stokvis

    Full Map Reset?

    that depends if it is a private hive or not I guess, because our host fixed that for us. If it doesn't work try this: Put amount of vehicles to zero. Restart. Put the amount of vehicles to what you want. Please let me know if this worked.
  8. stokvis

    Best 'nade throw ever? XD

    you got friendzoned! :thumbsup:
  9. stokvis

    Full Map Reset?

    contact your host, they can fix this shit
  10. I can't play without cheats and somebody else cheated on me! AAARGH!!! I DEMAND a new cd-key so I can cheat again aAAARRGgHHh! Karma is a bitch son...
  11. Did you download the latest version of their site? I have to say since I removed my router I can sign in and out with no problems. But I was able to do that before at night, so I have to try this tomorrow again. My latest hunch is that somehow my and other peoples routers can not work together with BattlEye. But what is the bottleneck? Which configuration causes this?
  12. stokvis

    Sniper on NL forces at 1pm CST

    Yeah thanks simple but effective! Found a M136 with ammo @ some barracks, how the **** do you fire these things? Lost my backpack for it and eventually dropped my gun, but this thing, however I took it, still was on my back. But I was able fire it? Dumped it at the entrance, there is still ammo left people! But in five minutes it will be gone lol. Server restart...
  13. stokvis

    Sniper on NL forces at 1pm CST

    The restarts are buggy sometimes sadly enough. :( About this afternoon: I signed in and when I Alt-tabbed my M24 shot by itself yelling HERE I AM. Didn't even have a chance. :)
  14. stokvis

    Sniper on NL forces at 1pm CST

    Just wondering... Feruz Abad this afternoon? I managed to log in on the server properly after days of trying and got shot on the hill next to the barracks, was that you? I had a m24 I think. :) You are always welcome btw, feel free to ask on ts when you have a problem.
  15. Sometimes, I was hoping it was fixed, but I think it isn't. Perhaps people with maphack (almost everybody uses them, pussies) or a server/hive issue.