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Everything posted by Shadowfray

  1. Shadowfray

    Looking for amigos.

    You could join my clan ^_^ Message me for info
  2. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Due To Recent Trouble with Recruits Leading us into Ambushes and Betraying us Recruiting Will be Postponed until further notice
  3. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Due To Recent Trouble with Recruits Leading us into Ambushes and Betraying us Recruiting Will be Postponed until further notice
  4. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  5. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Sorry didn't see it. iPhone has a small screen -_-
  6. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  7. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  8. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    This app will not get you in the clan
  9. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  10. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  11. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  12. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^ Ps: lol at the Hatchet x)
  13. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  14. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Accepted ^_^
  15. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    As mentioned up above 16 active members
  16. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    Clan Aurora is Recruiting New Members for DayZ we currently have 16 Members that play DayZ and are looking to Expand. Please Fill out the Application using the layout below If you wish to be apart of our community and add me on the fourm. If We Accept your Application i will reply to your post on the forum and Send you a message with our ts3 info. If you are accepted you will have a period of 5 days to join ts3 or be denied. In Game Name: Location: Experience (Days/months): Age: When Available: Time Available: Time Zone: Weapon preference: Any additional information: Requirements 1)Must have mic and Ts3 2)Good Attitude 3)15+ 4)At least a weeks experience 5)Be able to work as a Team 6)Be Trustworthy
  17. Shadowfray

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    #1 yes #2 we have a system where you get a point for at least 30 mins of gameplay a day, just be active #3 that's fine aslong as we can hear you
  18. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51460-aura-clan-recruiting-new-dayz-members/
  19. Shadowfray

    [AURA] Clan Recruiting New DayZ Members

    Bumping Thread And also for now on Thoes who do not respond in 5 days on Ts3 will be removed from the Member list
  20. Shadowfray

    Ready to join a clan or group

    What times are you Available?
  21. ill give you a AS50 no ammo for a M4A1 CCO SD no ammo and a CZ550 or a Mp5 for a Ghillie Suit The Trade will Be Legit you have my word and it will be on our clan server
  22. Ill give you a AS50 no ammo for a Ghillie
  23. Shadowfray

    [AURA] Clan Recruiting New DayZ Members

    Accepted- I will send you a message with Ts3 info Ps: Dont worry i just lost my Ghille suit Svd Camo NvG Gps PdW and Range Finder to a sniper and Lost a Bus to a hacker ^_^ it happends lol, but we will get you geared and we have Vehicles :3
  24. Shadowfray

    respawns on cars

    Join a Clan, youll find plenty of vehicles.