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Everything posted by Shadowfray

  1. Shadowfray

    Is that going to be the real Dayz Standalone??

    Game is not optimized at all yet & its an engine mix its early alpha they are working on game breaking bugs first...
  2. Shadowfray

    Anyone wanna play right now?

    Come play with us on teamspeak! Ts3: ts.feverclan.com Website: Feverclan.com We have our own Dayz SA server!!
  3. Shadowfray

    New, just saying Hi.

    Come play and join us on ts3! ts.feverclan.com Website: Feverclan.com We have our own Dayz SA server! :D
  4. Shadowfray

    Looking for Dayz SA clan

    Come join us on ts3! ts.feverclan.com Website: Feverclan.com We have our own Dayz SA server!
  5. Shadowfray

    Willing to join a corp/clan/squadron for DayZ SA

    Come join us on ts3! ts.feverclan.com Website: Feverclan.com We have our own Dayz SA server
  6. Shadowfray

    Looking for a friend.

    join us on teamspeak ^.^ ts.feverclan.com
  7. Just having some fun at the airfield, Come on ts3 and play with us! ts.feverclan.com Website: Feverclan.com And we have our own server!!
  8. Shadowfray

    I can barely get started

    Come play and Join us on teamspeak! Ts3: ts.feverclan.com
  9. Shadowfray

    Noob looking for friends or a crew

    join us on teamspeak Ts3: ts.feverclan.com
  10. Shadowfray

    Looking For a Group to Head North With

    Join us on teamspeak! ts3: ts.feverclan.com
  11. Come join us on ts3! your not forced to join our clan but you can if you want! ^.^ Ts3: ts.feverclan.com Web: Feverclan.com
  12. Shadowfray

    Seasoned DayZ Vet LF New Players to Help

    Come join us on ts3! ts.feverclan.com
  13. Shadowfray

    Looking for team-mates

    come play and Join us on team speak!! ts.feverclan.com
  14. Shadowfray

    Looking to group up

    Added you!
  15. Shadowfray

    Character keeps resetting!

    Its because private hive *Non Whitelisted* servers wipe your character
  16. Shadowfray

    Looking for a group

    Join us today!! Feverclan.com Ts3: ts.feverclan.com
  17. FeverClan is always looking for new members to join our ranks! We have a large number of members over a vast variety of games and want more for standalone! We have our own Dayz SA server too! Visit our website to put in an application and hop in TeamSpeak! If you have any questions just ask! ^.^ Age:16+ Web: feverclan.com Ts3: ts.feverclan.com -Shadowfray
  18. Clan Aurora is Recruiting New Members for DayZ we currently have 16 Members that play DayZ and are looking to Expand. Please Fill out the Application using the layout below If you wish to be apart of our community and add me on the fourm. If We Accept your Application i will reply to your post on the forum and Send you a message with our ts3 info. If you are accepted you will have a period of 5 days to join ts3 or be denied. In Game Name: Location: Experience (Days/months): Age: When Available: Time Available: Time Zone: Weapon preference: Any additional information: Requirements 1)Must have mic and Ts3 2)Good Attitude 3)15+ 4)At least a weeks experience 5)Be able to work as a Team 6)Be Trustworthy
  19. Shadowfray

    New military skin?

    Soldier Clothing you can find them in hacker tents but they are not legit
  20. Shadowfray

    I spawn with old "bandit" head and no backpack?

    You have a backpack it just dosent show
  21. Shadowfray

    I spawn with old "bandit" head and no backpack?

    You have a backpack it just dosent show
  22. Shadowfray

    Players decreasing ?

    Hackers ruin the game, Cant save vehicles, Buggy tents, Schools back, Alt-f4ers, Ghosters, Admin abusers ect..
  23. Shadowfray

    Tents flattened and staying flattened!

    All the ones iv flatened come back with there items after server restart