I have to admit I don't even know if this can be changed but the crouch, prone and stand buttons could be fused into one (eg. hold down button to go prone, tap to crouch, tap to stand if crouching). Tbh I think that the whole prone, crouch and stand system should be a bit more seamless. I mean it's quite slow. I know this might have been done to increase the challenge of the game but I just don't find it to be realistic. Someone said something about Xbox 360 support. That would be lovely but I'm well aware that's not an easy process if even a viable option. Failing that I just feel that the controls can be made more user friendly. A bit slicker. Oh and support for a controller *coughXBOX360CONTROLLERcough* would be really good but I understand there's a lot of things to do with controls there. I don't that's my 2 pennies to this convo. I know it's still in alpha but I really want to see the movement become a bit more slicker. I'm not expecting gta 4 or COD style but it just feels 'clunky'. Who knows that might just be my opinion and you may already be working on this.