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Everything posted by jordan2412

  1. jordan2412

    debug monitor

    after the update you can only use 1 or the other. Debug monitor or food/water meters. Its a bug in the latest version. I prefer the debug monitor, and just switch back from time to time to check on my food.
  2. What if the guy picked it up on the ground, but several players reported him to BE for hacking, could that get him banned? I assume BE has a report page to report cheaters.
  3. jordan2412

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Don't forget the jungle monkey!
  4. jordan2412

    BE is alive, yet

    Couldn't agree more.. Never happened to me personally, but it has to friends.....
  5. jordan2412

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    A billy goat. What else could it POSSIBLY be?!?
  6. if your stuck in debug, try to join an out of date server. one thats not been updated. You should spawn on the coast. For me, every time I take my character that im using in the latest build(not the one that came out today, im talking about back to an older version, I re spawn on the coast with all my gear. happens every time to me. Give it a shot :) PS: use commander to easily find an out of date server.
  7. jordan2412

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Possible the server didn't update yet? Lots of server admins are saying they don't have the files yet... Edit: I saw the picture you added. Looks like its up to date....bummer :(
  8. jordan2412

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Tents/Vehicles were removed from the game. If you look up the page and on pg 3 you'd see that.
  9. jordan2412

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    srry forgot to mention that. He's correct. I already had Lingor installed before commander update, so I didnt have to add that text. I set it up on the shortcut for the OA beta, so I can launch that for lingor, and the standard version to launch DayZ. I use Commander to handle all the updates.
  10. jordan2412

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Dick? Really? I didn't call you a dumb piece of chit who deserves to die, did I? I just corrected you so he doesn't give up on trying to play.
  11. jordan2412

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    lingor is just another map. Its faster paced. There are more buildings that you can enter. It doesn't take nearly long to gear up, so its more of a deathmatch island...more supplies because there's more buildings and a lot of low level military barracks. Zombies are not any harder imo. Commander installs Lingor now. So Gary_Coleman is wrong. Its very easy.
  12. jordan2412

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes....GOD YES. Anything to make the game play better.
  13. jordan2412

    added lights to lingor and chenarus

    Looks great. Ill check it out tonight.
  14. jordan2412

    Lingor Island

    I'd recommend using DayZ commander. It lets you install lingor though the update function. Its the easiest way IMO. You'll have to enable the mods in the main menu of the game, or else people are getting an error for missing files.
  15. jordan2412

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I just want to see a fix so my friends will play again.... So lonely exploring alone....
  16. Try asking a mod to move you back to the beach. They do it for most people, you might have to get lucky trying to get someone attention though. Post a title so obscure that a mod has to stop and see what it says, than just ask to be moved to a beach in the thread. :) They say its easy to move ppl. They just cant respawn you with any gear. You'll be fresh again.
  17. jordan2412

    Global Bann or Cd Key in use [German]

    They wont do a thing. They don't care if you cant play. They're program is correct, you're not... I've been through this with my friend. You'll get the same treatment from them, which is no response whatsoever. I don't agree with it, but sadly, its how they do business. I really hope the standalone doesn't use BE. Its arguable whether there were false bans or not, but any company that is so full of themselves to say they don't EVER make mistakes and the program is absolute, is a damn joke.
  18. jordan2412

    Can i get banned for...

    Ya but if they do, good luck arguing it. Remember, BE is more than a god, ITS ABSOLUTE
  19. It'll run it just fine. I hope you own, or already included a Windows OS in that number. It's pretty common, but most people building a first time machine don't think about the cost of Windows Unless of course you're going linux, but in that case I have no ldea how well it would run.
  20. jordan2412

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ah, didn't know that about ARMA II. I can manage with the bugs, I have too much fun playing with friends. When I get too frustrated, I just quit for the night, and usually want to play again the next night :)....I'm more concerned that if he keeps adding stuff, which will likely have its own bugs, he's going to dig too deep a hole, and the mod won't ever get fixed properly. When you have 20+ bugs all working together to create a clusterphuck, it'll only get harder to rule out and eliminate the issues.
  21. jordan2412

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    @Wcked I just want to see the bugs fixed. Duping ammo, tents/cars not saving, respawning on the beach when logging back in with your geared up character, getting stuck on a fence with a tractor and losing all your blood, getting stuck in the floor of a house(like zombies do), losing backpack when changing to ghillie, losing backpack(+ sometimes gear) when swimming in the water, zombies glitching through walls and hitting you, logging in to have your character shaking when he wasn't before you logged off, randomly getting all my blood/ammo back when I join a different server, and worst of all, the graphic glitches coming from dead zombies,wire fence kits,etc.... Im sure theres more, but that was just off the top of my head. I play the game everyday, and cant wait for a standalone. I just wish he'd address some of these issues instead of adding crap like dogs into the next update.
  22. jordan2412


    I feel ya man., Although not a problem with HFB, just the game. I was driving a bus last night, fully repaired, full gas, get kicked off the server, no reason, just " You were kicked off the server" or something.. Went back in, got kicked within 5 minutes 2 more times, respawn again WITHOUT a bus... Guess what? I didn't get kicked anymore.
  23. yeah, i think its depending on the server files as much as the local ones. with, some servers will run perfectly for me, while others I get into have the graphical glitches all over the place.
  24. jordan2412

    "Battleye: Global Ban #99bb"

    Find another game.....My friend had a similar problem...weeks ago. They think BE is "absolute". They won't listen and don't care.
  25. jordan2412

    vehicles no saving?

    damn it, I just saved a bus with full gas and perfect condition last night. Hope its still there....