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About capri_stylee

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. capri_stylee

    Join the This is Madness Experience

    Good community, would recommend it...
  2. capri_stylee

    [Advice Needed]Can't join private server

    So I've fixed the 'bad serial number error', but Thats brought me back to square one. When I try to connect this is what I see: I get to the lobby OK, wait for BE to initialise and my ping show, then I hit connect - When 'receiving mission file' nothing downloads, and it shows as 0kb, it then sends me quickly to the black loading screen, 'receiving' comes up for a second or 2, then 'loading' shows and hangs there...
  3. capri_stylee

    [Advice Needed]Can't join private server

    I've ran that, then it gave me a 'Bad serial number given in setup' error, so now I'm trying the fix listed here... http://dayzmod.com/f...given-in-setup/
  4. capri_stylee

    [Advice Needed]Can't join private server

    crap cleaner? How do I clear the cache?
  5. I've just been accepted to TiM, but haven't been able to connect to their server, getting stuck at the loading screen we all know and love. I have no problems joining public servers, I'm using dayzCommander and the latest Arma2 and DayZ files, just like others who can connect...
  6. capri_stylee

    Need Partners

    I've added you, I'm in Ireland - looking for a small group because I'm bored with the lone wolf game. Steam name is the same as my forum one...
  7. capri_stylee

    Debug monitor gone HELP

    "I'm a bad ass!"
  8. capri_stylee

    Looking for other players in EU region

    I've been looking for a group for a while, currently living the lone wolf life just west of Zelenogorsk. I'm 27, from Ireland, currently pretty well armed and have one tent. I'm not that interested in PvP, although as long as its not against newspawns i wouldn't rule it out. Mind if I add you on Skype?
  9. capri_stylee

    Trust no one?

    When I started playing (maybe 2 months ago?) I was helped out a few times as a fresh spawn, it hasn't happened since, every person I've met recently has killed or tried to kill me. I used to question the logic, as I rarely have anything worth looting, until I went 'on a hunt' myself. Was approaching Cherno from the forest to the north when i saw a guy crouch running to my left, I'm armed with an m1014, he has an assault rifle, i decided there and then that it was mine, I followed him west through the woods for about 2 minutes, my heart was pounding and palms sweating, but i kept up the chase until i got close enough, suddenly he turned and sprayed, taking me down to ~1500 blood i fired one shot and knocked him out cold, walked up and another slug killed him. I crouched to loot his nice stuff, when someone else finished me off. I sat back and grinned for the next 5 minutes, that was intense, i lost everything, but it was worth it. TL;DR Killing can be fun, especially when the danger is equal for both sides, shoot on sight may not be for everyone, but everyone should try it.
  10. capri_stylee

    Yep, this mod is dying

    I can accept that the mod had a huge growth spurt and is now starting to level off. On the other hand, this is one of the best games that I just can't be arsed to play, my last 3 deaths have come at the hands of hackers, all characters on their first day, so I'm not worried about the loot, but spending 30 mins getting from Kamenka to Elektro, only to be teleported and slayed is never going to be fun on any level. I used to stick to low pop servers, but that gets tired very quickly. I want player interaction, but that seems to mean insta-death. This isn't a rant or a moan, its the reality of the situation - Its difficult to find the motivation to try again, I know how it'll end up, I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.
  11. capri_stylee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I let a friend play for 30 minutes, in that time I've picked up a broken leg and lost 8000 blood, my AKM and all my ammo for my M9SD, was worth it though as he bought the game the next day :) Anyway I'm at the barn on the NW outskirts of Cherno, need blood and morphine, can give an entrenching tool and an empty M9SD to anyone that can help...
  12. capri_stylee

    Server joining problems

    This sorted all problems out for me pretty instantly... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69584-how-tofix-the-stucked-loading-screen-steam-version/
  13. Ignore my last post, followed the instructions to a T, it worked perfectly, thanks a million FailbatZ, All my beans are belong to you.
  14. How do I do step 6 "Install the newest Patch you downloaded (" I have it downloaded, do I have to copy these files somewhere?