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Posts posted by isak.steffensen@hotmail.com

  1. a .50cal sniper that was illegaly spawned you forgot to mention

    Weird' date=' you hit them a few times, they didn't die?


    They did.

    In the final clip I shot 5 bullets total, 1 missed, so 4 hits.

    I got two kills instantly, one got wounded and died (at 2:04) after I disconnected, but the fourth guy didn't take damage, showed no sign of fear and turned around and started looking for me (he didn't even crouch) after taking a 50.cal bullet in the torso.

    If you are reffering to my sniper, it may have been illegaly spawned for all I know, I found it in one of their camps while I was recording. (Video of me finding it:

    at 3:45)

  2. Weird' date=' you hit them a few times, they didn't die?


    They did.

    In the final clip I shot 5 bullets total, 1 missed, so 4 hits.

    I got two kills instantly, one got wounded and died (at 2:04) after I disconnected, but the fourth guy didn't take damage, showed no sign of fear and turned around and started looking for me (he didn't even crouch) after taking a 50.cal bullet in the torso.

  3. You might wanna check the item logs.

    They were spawning guns, some of which weren't even in the mod.

    the hacker was using "godmode" (unable to take damage) and maphacks.

    It happened somtime around 11:00-14:00 in GMT+1 on UK#31

    "I have a silenced makaroni"

  4. every time i join a server it says that i am running a incorrect version of dayz code(it tells me i'm using and the server is running, i've tried updating several times with the torrent files and manually with the .rar files, but i still get the same problem no matter what server i join.

  5. If you ask dumb questions in the chat and use emoticons they are more likely to trust you. I usually say something like: "how do i use bloodbags? i keep passing out because of blood loss >_<" and when they answer I ask in side chat if someone near my area wants to give me a transfusion.

    bonus: if you don't have your bandit skin yet, you could make them give you that blood transfusion and shoot them in the face afterwards. :)
