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About Korth

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    On the Coast
  1. I've come up with an idea to improve the melee combat system. My main source of inspiration is Mount&Blade Warband (for those who don't know it, ) but it would obviously require lots of adaptation in order to make sense here.Basically, every melee weapon would come with different range, damage and speed attributes, and up to 4 direction-based attacks and 4 direction-based blocks. So you can get attacked by a dude with a machete and parry his blows with your hatchet until you find a chance to bury it in his face. Or you can use a weapon with a longer reach to defend yourself from a group of zombies and kill a couple of them before they close on you. It would require skill and timing and it would indeed be less practical than straight up shooting your enemies, but I think it would add a lot to the game, especially in the beginning and in situations in which you can't afford to be noisy. I don't know if any of this is even feasible under the Arma II engine, and I'm pretty sure that most of the current limitations in combat mechanics are hardcoded anyway. But I believe it would add an interesting facet to the game by making PvP combat much more diverse and exciting, and it would also reduce the player's reliance on firearms when they encounter small packs of zombies.
  2. Keep 7.62mm Soviet ammo still abundant, then. But scarce ammo would definitely make this game much more challenging and fun, provided that melee weapons got a major overhaul as well to compensate for it. Bear in mind that a big element of survival horror is the uncertainty and insecurity that the player experiences during the game. The whole reason this game is so exciting is that there are no rules and nobody is safe. Restricting the supply of ammo further denies you the confidence of safety, and that would make the game even more awesome.