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About saborw

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    On the Coast
  1. saborw

    The reason why we need Hackers

    What the hell are you people on about First of all, this isn't hacking, it's cheating. There is a huge difference and you're giving them too much credit right out of the gate. Second of all, having 800,000 legitimate players is going to give way better feedback than a handful of CHEATERS that run everyone out of a server. Surely bugs and exploits found are null and void when they're found by people playing illegitimately in the first place, and that's if these morons even report the bugs to begin with Furthermore, there's nothing anyone can do to stop people from cheating and exploiting. The best thing you can hope for is active admins that will police the servers. These are the ONLY cheat deterrents that even work, and sometimes even that doesn't work Some of the replies in this thread make me think they're cheaters, and posting here is somehow their way of justifying being an asshole in their own mind