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Everything posted by Bydo

  1. Bydo

    Holy shit that felt amazing

    lol, M4A1 Holo SD anyone? More common than a 1911!
  2. Finished browsing the weapon comparison I'm now left with some questions. I hope you guys can help me out: - Other rifles have an even shorter "effective range": M4A1 300 meters; AKS-74U 200 meters... what happens to the bullet after 300/200 meters? Will it sink or just dissappear? - The AKM has an "effective range" of 400 meters but can be zeroed to a max of 800 meters... what happens to the bullet after 400 meters when zeroed at 800? What is "effective range" at all? - If I shoot a target, standing 50 meters in front of me, with an AKM zeroed at 800 meters... will I have to aim below his head to achieve a headshot? How much lower? - If shooting the same target under the same circumstances but with an AR without zeroing (M4A1 e.g.)... will I have to aim below his head to achieve a headshot? How much lower? Thanks in advance for your help!
  3. It wasn't a test for bullet dropping rate at all, rather a test if bullets rise shortly after leaving the barrel... it looked as if for non zeroed weapons, bullets fly straight out to the point of aim without rising in the first place. ... bullets can bounce of the ground??? I knew, that your aiming is terrible after long sprints. Not only weapon sway is added, but your shots won't even land where the reddot actually is pointing at. So your psychic state affects your aiming too? Thats amazing! Temperature, hunger or thirst also?
  4. I know this mission, it's pretty awesome for snipers, never tested it tough.... thanks anyway! So the effective range states to wich distance weapons do full damage!? Is already known how much damage the weapons lose after that? Well, I tested this quite a few times. I chose a high value barn (because it has nice bright yellow walls), used my rangefinder to place myself <50, =50 and >50 meters away from this wall and took a few shots... Every single shot, if placed lonely with long time pauses in between, hit exactly the aimpoint. Tested with M14 AIM; MK48 Mod-0 and M4A3 CCO... but occasionally in firefights single shots miss my targets and hit the ground many many meters above the actual target (into the hill or a wall e.g.). What's happening?
  5. Server: LU1 [-3 UTC] The Pirates of Chernarus! Time: 11:50 - 12:00 PM; GMT+2:00 70 people have been teleportet to the exact same location...
  6. Bydo

    Helicopter Crash Site Smoke

    Thanks, that's new to me and looks quite legit!
  7. Bydo


    Well I can't see any value in posting my inventory on the internetz either... but I doubt posting their mainserver will harm them at all...
  8. And if your shot goes through his backpack all those items will be destroyed and unlootable too!
  9. Bydo

    Bikes are so broken.

    It actually is broken in terms of speed and durabilty!
  10. Bydo

    Global Ban

    Scriptbois gett'n busted? feelsgoodman.jpg
  11. Bydo

    Guns & Gameplay

    I do not like the idea of weapons wearing off. Collecting equipment and weapons always were a big goal for me in many games. Not able to keep my treasures, and use them for my advantage, because they will break if I do so, will destroy my intentions do go hunting for rare items in the first place. Very high value weapons should indeed spawn less. Adding a randomised chance of missing or hitting shots would ruin the game completely. Oneshotting someone because you aimed perfectly in a hazardous situation should always be rewarding!
  12. Server: DE191 Chernarus.de Time: 18:50 - 19:10 PM; GMT+2:00 A livestreamer and her buddy have been scripted (cheated, hacked, call it whatever you wand) and received full geared inventories and a heat signature as50
  13. Iron sight, controlled bursts all the way. I'd love to see 3rd person vanish, because it gives you a lot of extra awareness, taking some pressure off the situation!
  14. Bydo

    Helicopter Crash Site Smoke

    There should only be smoke above heli crashes caused by player flown helis. The random generated military loot crashes shouldnt smoke at all. By all means I never encountered smoking zombie crash spawns at all...
  15. Dude, just stop it... either you get yourself killed while trading guns or you're setting up a trap. Neither will do any good. Get yo ass in the game und farm teh damn red spots!
  16. Bydo

    Deerstand - DMR ?

    As far as I know deerstands can spawn any weapon except: - FN FAL (and it's nv variation) - AS50 - M107 - SVD Camo - MK 48 - M240 - M249 SAW - L85A2 - Bizon PP-19 - M136 Launcher
  17. DMR compatible with nvg 20 bullet in 1 slot [4slots for m24] there is no difference in damage (1 or 2 shot kill for both of them) Everything else is personal preferences such as vision or sound of the weapon
  18. Bydo

    The Dog Kennels

    This threat is relevant to my interests. Never found a thing at those doghouses either, any confirmed loot? If those kennels [marked as low q residentials] would be removed from the loot map, it'd serve the clarity well.
  19. Had this issue several times. You can often fix it by using the already stated flush [Hold "shift", press "-" on numpad, release both and type flush]. However, yesterday I encountered 2 glitch sources at the north western airfield. One caused by the western barracks, the other one caused by the barb wire close to the low value residential at the eastern exit. Flushing didn't fix it, but my good pal Timmae told me to try changing my antialiasing settings. Had AA turned off, changed it to high, also changed video memory from very high to default and the glitches were gone. Those glitches are said to be fixed in the next patch, let's hope for the best!
  20. If you ever come across a fully packed tent, do others a favour: Loot whatever you need, clear the tent, drop waste stuff in the woods and save the empty tent afterwards. The tent will from now on spawn as an empty tent on every server restart! The dropped stuff will despawn within several minutes. Don't hesitate, it serves the right purpose!
  21. Bydo


    lol... dayz community support reacting to the only capslocked whinethreat around... shit's still working
  22. Bydo

    LU1 mass teleport

    yeah, k bert, check the forum, I'm pretty sure some other ppl out of 70 will get mad about this crap, besides me
  23. Server: LU1 [-3 UTC] The Pirates of Chernarus! Time: 11:10 - 11:40 PM; GMT+2:00 Me and a buddy were strolling the northern woods (~2km north of Gvozdno) when we suddenly found a nice tractor. We looted the vehicle and decided to destroy it, so we throw a grenade at it. Exactly 3 seconds after detonation a sniper shot killed my partner, I spottet the enemy and unloaded 2 full L85A2 AWS mags into the slighly moving target hitting him at least 15 times. He aimed awfully bad and CLEARLY teleported several times to different locations about 50 seperated from each other, not hitting me once. I managed to get somewhat close to him and put another 4 bullets into his hip, 1 second later I heard him shooting at me from about 400 meters away. After that he disappeared. Unfortunately nametags were disabled so I press charges against "unknown"!