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Everything posted by bulldoglv

  1. bulldoglv


    Does anybody know if this will allow us to finally play the original game as well?
  2. bulldoglv

    DON'T LET STEAM UPDATE OA!! Game breaking!

    Anyone know if this update will finally allow us to play the normal game as well?
  3. How do I check if I have the update?
  4. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok sweet , ill get you your compass back ASAP.
  5. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    LadleOfFilth risked everything to come save me in Berezino. He grouped up and through the laggy servers and the hackers in the A-10s, we were doing pretty good. Even though I feel bad about killing that suspicious individual, it needed to be done. Sadly, the laggy server got him killed even though he had 9,000 blood remaining. I am really sorry I wasn't able to get you your M24 back, but I got your compass. And I PROMISE to find you a military weapon. Sorry man, Semper Fi and see you soon.
  6. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just added you.
  7. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on skype, my name is "bullfrizzlefoshizzle". Or you can add me on Steam: "usmc.m16a4"
  8. Nevermind. Thanks for looking.
  9. bulldoglv

    Starting a 4man Group

    Send me an invite on skype man. My skype name is "bullfrizzlefoshizzle".
  10. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a blood pack in Berez. I can return the favor by helping protecting you and grouping up. Any help will be appreciated. I have skype if that helps.
  11. bulldoglv

    Looking for 1-2 survivors

    I would like to join you, but I am in Berez. Let me know if you get near the area.
  12. bulldoglv

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anybody near Berzino or Krasnostav? My buddy and I both broke our legs and are holding up in buildings. We could even trade some supplies or help retrieve things form a hospital. We're both on Skype also.