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Everything posted by GexAlmighty

  1. GexAlmighty

    Better grass

    Damn hipster post, bad suggestion. One of the nice ways to track people, also is realistic and there for a reason
  2. GexAlmighty

    About bear traps...

    Shut up and take my beans! No seriously though, it would be hilarious if you could do that, and if someone picks it up the item description would say that something smelt funny about the contents. so you have to read the description before drinking. otherwise you get piss poisoning ;D
  3. GexAlmighty

    Blood Regeneration

    And then the moderators said, let there be a search function. And it was good.
  4. GexAlmighty

    Disable all server messages by default

    Long story short, what he said.
  5. GexAlmighty

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    Don't know if i like the idea of specific breakage of limbs in a shooter, ive had the idea before when thinking of variants of CoD, BF and Arma and i have concluded that it would just be more annoyance than it is worth for realism. the fact that your legs can go out underneath you and ruin your day unless you have morphene and that you can get knocked out, making you an easy kill for Zeds and players alike is plenty enough. I do however think that some weapons need to be buffed back up a little, not to their origional amount, just enough that it isn't stupid (I.e more than one mak mag)
  6. GexAlmighty

    Server maturation / lifecycle

    I kind of like the idea of the difficulty getting harder as you play more but for multiple reasons this would be a pain in the ass. 1: it would be near impossible to find a server with your characters level in some countries because the servers are also advancing. 2: even if you joined a server in its 0-1 hour slot, you would not be in at the same time that the server started, so you would only have 15 or so mins before the server went to stage 2. 3: Too many Zeds! The frame rate for everyone on the server would be hell by stage 3, if not stage 2
  7. I think you mistook what they meant by suggestions section.
  8. I really like the idea of alternate skins for bandits i don't understand why everyone is QQing so much about them. I often play as a bandit myself and i wouldnt complain about it. This is a good idea for regular servers though, but it doesnt solve anything on veteran servers. and to be honest, if you arent playing on veteran, you are playing wrong.
  9. GexAlmighty

    Hang Gliders

    They would have to add 3 or 4 really high sheer cliffs around the edges of the map (maybe one on each edge?) that allow you to fly your way down to the middle of the map, or if you are good at navogation turn so that you will end up where ever you were hoping to go. This wouldnt be an OP way of traveling since you cant carry them, you have to make them on the cliff, use them from the cliff, fly, land and lose them. shooting them down would be a nice challenge too. and it would be awsome being in the middle of a fire fight and seeing the re enforcements role in XD Or maybe if you aggro'd all the zeds in elektro accidently and you saw them coming you could run to where they were landing and ruin their day XD
  10. GexAlmighty

    Removal of "zoom"? [in standalone?]

    Zooming is a mechanism to make the game more player friendly, it makes up for the fact that in real life you can lean foward and focus on a spot in the distance and you will be able to see it better. it doesnt take away any realism, it actually makes it MORE realistic and more user friendly at the same time. Go shed some more tears about being killed by bandits somewhere else please. Also, ZedsDeadBaby has my beans.
  11. GexAlmighty

    New item: NOTES :D

    How about those sticky yellow postit notes instead of a notebook? and only let each pack found have 10 notes to make sure people dont just spam them on the wall with 8==D. make it so they have to save them for real good note givings, such as the tent loot. Message board i think should just be a regular place for people to place postit notes and nothing automated like bounties and such, just a place people know to look at.
  12. GexAlmighty

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    yeah for the sake of realism you would have to be able to take the leaves from pretty much any living bush, just make it so the glue and netting is about 2/3 as rare as the guilli itself each
  13. GexAlmighty

    !Important Look!

    I just came here to tell you that your thread ideas are as bad as your title.
  14. GexAlmighty

    Dynamic deer stands

    I like deer stands as they are, they are the only consistant way for a freshly spawned guy to get decent weapons. i can tell you now, I'm sick of going to cities and barns to try and get loot, because i am always let down. and i mean always. the best thing i ever get is a lee enfield, and that isnt enough to go to military bunkers with or get much effective pvp going (imho). deer stands work as a middleman between going from the macorov and shotgun to decent weapons so that you CAN head north without garenteed death. It is only fair that there are places with garenteed good loot. yes, cities have supermarkets and churches and fire stations, but 2 barb wire fences in each of those places can totally seal it off to everyone in the server. then what? even when you can access them, as far as my luck goes, cities give bugger all high end weapons. they give you lee enfields and shotguns, maybe a revolver if you get lucky. we need to keep deer stands so that i have more than that when i want to move north, and no other place garentees that. Who ever said that deer stands are safe? bandits often keep a good eye on them the last time i checked, so they are very much at risk of PVP, which is far more dangerous than Zeds.
  15. GexAlmighty

    New Clothing Content

    And then the moderators said, let there be a search function. And it was good.
  16. GexAlmighty


    Bears definately need to be put in and only aggro within forest areas, as soon as you break the tree line they should lose aggro and go back in to avoid getting shot I dont like the idea of infected dogs spawning in cities because it would make the game a pain in the ass. Cities are well known for being a PVP area with zombies and thanks to that are plenty hard enough, and i like it that way. and instead of infected dogs, i think it should just be "wild" dogs and they should spawn in packs of 3 to 6 (depending on how many players are in their spawn radius) and before aggro'ing you, they growl at you for about 30 seconds. in this time you can throw a chunk of meat (both raw and cooked) in their general direction and they will go over there and eat it, giving you time to get the hell away. My favourite idea though is a freaky ass mutant patrolling the outskirts of cities where there is forest to catch out snipers every now and then, aslong as they have a chance to get away
  17. GexAlmighty

    Clan 101 Recruiting

    I would love to join you, i cant do anything tommorow or over the weekend due to a lan party for 3 days i am attending as of tommorow. However, if you are still recruiting on monday i will be free constantly from then. I'm 19, i confess to not knowing my way around the map without a map or compass on hand, but i hope that doesn't hinder me too much as i have been learning landmarks fairly quickly in my 2 weeks of play. i have not had a chance to use the high end equiptment due to lack of playtime and forced solo play, however should i be entrusted with a sniper i know from the Operation Arrowhead that i can use them there, so it shouldn't be a problem. I will have it known that i have loyalty like a dog as long as i am treated right, and will not hesitate to cause a distraction, draw fire or walk into certain death for a good tactical advantage, as long as i know my team will look after me. I don't believe in first come first serve when it comes to loot, if i have both a primary and secondary, i will always drop one for someone who is still stuck with the hatchet. first come first serve is only an option when everyone already has the things they need. I am in no way a mute, i have a mic and i am very happy to use it, some of the best laughs i have had have been caused by playing in a team on mic. I will add you on steam and skype, my name is GexAlmighty
  18. GexAlmighty

    Modification of the hide body mechanic

    i agree the mechanic is bullshit, maybe when it goes standalone they will make a better version
  19. Well damn, that backfired
  20. 1: yes, you should be able to hold them the same way you hold a tac knife with a pistol in most fps games. 2: i would rather they just make it so that the vault animation only happens when crouched or standing still and when running / sprinting it would do a quick leap, similar to how battlefield allows you to leap over hurdles (not fanboyism, this is just one of the few things i really like about bf3, it's effective and realistic.) 3: only if the zombies swim faster aswell 4: not sure where you are going with that, but the only things i would let stack are the already stackable shotgun rounds and hopefully crossbow bolts 5: that is mostly a case that, no offence intended, the arma dev team is not as talented as other modern games devs such as valve or Infinity ward in making the game and animations run smoothly for the player. maybe the arma 3 engine that they are hoping to make the standalone DayZ on will be much smoother? who knows 6: agreed, too many buildings, too few open doors. 7: I would like it if you were able to spawn with either a compas or map to make it easier to find other players, either that or just beef up the map and compas spawn rates (because i find GUNS more often than i find a way to know where i'm going)
  21. Lol, sorry what? sounds like you had a bad day on battlefield. Theres nothing wrong with tracking your stats the same way they track in game, the devs themselves also support competitive play, as do i. not to mention people arent going to look too proud of themselves when they have 168 murders and 3 bandit kills on their record as opposed to the other way around
  22. GexAlmighty

    Better Trading proposal

    Trading wont be implimented untill a standalone if they do ever make it happen, that much as truth. Suggested too many times, this is the 5th or so thread in the last 3 days ive seen made about trading. please use the search function for future posts. Im not against casual trading, if two people are right next to eachother they should be able to view eachothers loot and trade with a system near enough exactly the same as the steam trading system, no safety bullshit, just two guys trading wherever they feel it is ok to do so
  23. GexAlmighty

    Ban all Bandits!

    How about they impliment a chat window rather than just make words appear on the screen? that way people can choose if they want to see and type in global chat or not.. However, as i have said before, we do need to introduce shouting into the game, so that when i fus-ro-dah (yes that was trolling), EVERYONE around me knows im friendly. Anyway, i dont see how it would take away realism this way, when you think that clans can talk on skype and teamspeak all they want, but randoms cant talk more than 10 yards away. ive said it before and il say it again, i appreciate that you have a realism fetish rocket, but there are lines that need to be set for our enjoyment
  24. GexAlmighty

    AI guarded camps

    I was hoping this would be something more like randomly generated NPC bases that would serve as an end game for a team stocked up with the best weapons to go and take over. i wont expand on that idea because im sure its been said before by people that have put lots of thought into it already. I think that user made camps should be user protected, long story short.
  25. Seems legit, making people pay because they got shot over and over again by bandits. "intolerant of banditry?" Yeah sure, make it so that MORE TEARS WILL LEAK FROM THE VICTIMS EYES. It wont make banditry stop, it will just make it so people CRY HARDER and bandits feel more smug