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Everything posted by GexAlmighty

  1. GexAlmighty

    NW Airfield... Why only there?

    Yeah it's kind of funny because people are told "NEVER GO TO NW AIRBASE UNLESS YOU HAVE TO OR YOU WILL DIE" and because of that it has gone from being a deathtrap to a barely visited area because so many people are now scared to death of it, so instead they go into the slighly easier to navigate cities like stary and cherno and just hope that high drops appear. Moral of the story, taking proper risks is a good thing ANYWAY relating to the post, i suggest more tent camps like the one to the west of Cherno underneath the airstrip (the one with a dear stand in each corner) should be spread across the map just to take up some space and make it nicer for people to go from place to place by passing into them along the way. just make sure they are spread out nice and far so theres not much chance of going from one to the other.
  2. GexAlmighty

    2 pistols?

    I think the secondary slot just plain needs to allow for 2 pieces of equiptment, one for each hand. so that you can either hold a torch or a second pistol. the second pistol would basically just work to make them act like a rapid fire shot gun rather than highly accurate pistols. not only is this a good balance aswell as realistic, but you also have to pay extra consideration to your secondary ammo slots
  3. GexAlmighty

    Declaring Yourself a Bandit

    This thread already exists (with much better detail) by another user, please use the search function in future. Also i don't agree with the concept, for basically the exact reasons uncle bourbon has said above. The way you play this game has 3 options: 1. Play by yourself, shoot EVERYONE else on sight. Live. 2. Play with people you know and form a group, shoot ALL other players on sight. Live. 3. Try and form a group with strangers, get shot on sight. Die Moral of the story, if you want to play with people that won't shoot you, go make some friends
  4. i think it is a decent idea. maybe what you could do is make it a higher chance for weapons (only pistols, maybe decent weapons would have a super low chance) but make it so that the ship / plane reck spawns zombies like the helicopter recks do. so its basically a noobs equivolent of one and it is up to them if they want to risk going in or not
  5. GexAlmighty


    ......You really arent looking hard enough.
  6. GexAlmighty

    Making new profiles and new lives

    If it was limited to 2 players there wouldn't be a problem. No one is going to take the time to take both charectors to the same place at all times, and if they do that means they have progress of about half a mile before having to switch to the other one to close the gap between them. any arguement about abuse when you consider that is pretty damn invalid. and to be honest, it is worth it for people like me who have serious accounts for real teamplay and account for dicking about with friends, as said above, driving cars into cherno for the lolz.
  7. Yeah i'm sure that toolboxes work for them, you just have to find a sweet spot while scrolling. Maybe we could have barbed wire removed untill the standalone when it will effect zombies properly? since that is its actual reason for existance and probably not actually intended to just block every entrance you can find from the outside
  8. Rocket has announced that his update today will fix graphical artefacts being created (the blinding glitch) from dead bodies and wire fences. We will still have trolls but still great news. better get our tool kits ready!
  9. GexAlmighty

    Stop making stupid suggestions?

    Your tears taste great.
  10. So far all agree and no flames, thats a good sign. Thanks for the support on the thread
  11. GexAlmighty

    Why break what wasn't broken?

    As long as i can respawn when i have less than 3000 blood (id rather die than search for matches if i don't have them yet to get cooked meat) and when i have a broken leg, then i'm happy. respawning over and over to get to a good location is a waste of server load, no questions asked. I would very much like to have side chat back. DayZ at the moment is a harcore game of LONERS unless you are playing in a clan and i'm getting tired of playing as a mute. it would be nice to simply chat in game, never mind the game mechanics. I totally disagree with having weapons at the spawn. i think rather than weapons they should just impliment a proper melee system into the standalone where you can twat zombies across the head to knock them over (dealing very little damage) just so you have time to run away while they get back up again. It does suck being totally defenceless, but having weapons at the spawn kind of takes the piss. If a clan has managed to repair and claim all the vehicles on a server, kudos to them, they earned it fair and square. if you want it, better go find where they left it and steal it.
  12. GexAlmighty


    800 blood is a fuck ton when you consider that a cow gives you like 6 steaks, if you can count, that's 4800 blood, over a third of the blood you start with. All you need is a hunting knife, matches and a hatchet to cook it and you can easily do that solo
  13. GexAlmighty

    Autogenerated maps

    Far too much effort for the devs to go through just for a new map item. They should take a page out of Valve's book and let the community make some new maps (as in islands) that can be either approved or dissaproved depending on quality and if they aprove of one then other users can download it (for free during the alpha) and once they make it a standalone game they can charge a small fee (1 or £2) for downloading an extra map and give some of the profit to the developer(s). This way they have no argument about how long it would take the current devs to make an entire new map, because they can basically have dozens of decent developers making them at home for free. That would really stop people getting bored of the map and a nice way to include new loot items depending on the map.
  14. GexAlmighty

    Having multiple characters

    Very much agree, the devs need to get on this as a high priority
  15. GexAlmighty

    Im scared... but not of the Zombies

    From what I've heard Rocket has no intention of making "special" zombies or alternate types of zombies. I can understand that he doesn't want to make the game feel like an arcade shooter, but just having zombies that are considerably more buff than others and have more health would be nice. For example the giants (cant remember their real name) in Dead island. What I'm saying is that i want boss enemies that would occasionally make me freeze in my tracks when i saw them and cause me to totally re think what i was doing. Same goes for when working in a clan, it would be awesome to have to think about how to get rid of it without causing too much hastle (zombie swarm / player deaths) and even better, when 2 clans are engaged in PVP and the Giant came out of nowhere, that would really shit both sides up and really turn this into a game rather than a "dodge that rabid baboons" simulator
  16. Yeah i agree, Valve were right on the money with their headcrab zombies and i think more games need to pick up on it, especially this game. at the moment i kind of feel like i'm being chased around by baboons instead of Ex humans
  17. GexAlmighty

    Dayz goal / to easy

    Yeah we know that...the point is that it is a half arsed and fairly boring goal.
  18. GexAlmighty

    Day Z going to shit?

    Most of your replies that ive seen on this thread while casually scrolling down seem to be pretty offensive, you should probably take the anonymous stick out of your arse. In other news...EVER HEARD OF A BUG? Every game gets bugs and flaws in the programming, especially during alpha and lets be honest, the Arma and DayZ devs arent gods like valve and infinity ward, they cant make perfectly working games without even looking at the screen like they do, why dont you give all that programming a try and see how easy it is for the standard human being? Give them time, geez.
  19. GexAlmighty

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    Snipers and top notch utilities and silencers and NVG are the only end game we have so far other than building vehicles. and its so rare to successfully build a vehicle when playing solo, meaning that the only thing to aim for is a sniper rifle and all the shit to go with it. without that, the aim of the game would be to get a weapon that can shoot just about 3ft infront of you so that you can go into the woods all day munching beans and soda untill you run out, then go into electro to loot the supermarket of all its food and drink so that you can go back out to the forest by yourself again
  20. GexAlmighty

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    It would be nice if people that were killed by zombies had more torn up bodies so that when you saw it you could tell it was a Zed kill. some might argue that its nice not knowing what happened but personaly i would feel more freaked out if i saw a body that i KNEW 100% was a player kill. cuz at the moment when i see a body the back of head is thinking that it could very easily just be a Zed kill and im not all that scared
  21. GexAlmighty

    Better grass

    Thats just a limitation in graphics, because grass in 3D is actually designed in flat plain polygons, its falling animation is limited to simply falling flat. if you ever touched a 3D program you would be able to appreciate how hard it is to get anything better going
  22. GexAlmighty

    Zombies never die... hear me out

    Wouldn't work because if you down a zombie in a doorway you will have to sit there all day trying to kill it to get over its body
  23. GexAlmighty

    No Respawn, why would I support offical release?

    Is there another way to kill yourself when you dont have anything other than the respawn button? otherwise we obviusly need it, ive had many times where ive randomly broken a leg due to either a zombie or a bug and then had the option of either killing myself so that i could actually play the game or crawl around for over 2 hours in hope of morphene. Obviously i use the respawn button, because i dont want to crawl around like a fucking idiot all day. with no suicide button that means id actually have to crawl around LOOKING for somewhere with players or zombies to kill me which would still take me all day.
  24. GexAlmighty

    Start With Nothing (Or one randomised Item)

    You have to start with a torch, otherwise you cant start fresh on a night time server. it would litteraly be impossibru. Not having a single bandage isnt a great idea, its bad enough that you have to go and find cover to heal yourself, which is easier said than done without a barn or city around. and in the time it takes fresh from spawn you will bleed out to about 9000 health unless you get lucky trying to lose just one infected after he puts a mild scratch on your hand. I'm all up for spawning with no bandages, but only if it takes more hits before you start bleeding rather than having a hard look make my neck start gushing. pain killers arent needed at all really, id happily say to get rid of them. i also wouldnt mind losing the defult backpack, but only if the coyote backpack becomes a really common spawn. (it doesn't really hold fuck all, lets be honest.)
  25. GexAlmighty


    I have a nice empty cup of cares that i can use to drink your tears..