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Everything posted by GexAlmighty

  1. GexAlmighty

    Suggestion about starting gear!

    Yeah no. if you are going to say that we may as well just start with the hatchet and water bottle too. instant survival immunity. Which is a bad thing.
  2. GexAlmighty

    Obvious friendlies

    There is a huge issue with how you can find out whether or not someone is a bandit or a friendly in DayZ and its partly because there are no physical ways to show it as well as the lack of ability to communicate through chat (i dont know the exact specifics of it, but im pretty sure that the direct chat is the only "open" way to communicate and is pretty unsuccessful in getting replies) and i think there are two EXTREMELY easy ways to fix this problem. The first is the ability to walk around with one hand raised into the air, so that when people see you in game it is clear that you are not intending to enter combat with them. Yes, i know this will be abused by bandits, but it is simply an addition that will cause a higher rate of success when people who like to shoot due to lack of trust see each other. they may still shoot eachother simply because they think one another as a bandit, but it sure as hell beats that awkward moment when two random people collide and stare each other down with their weapons drawn, not sure if the other is calling for peace or is unaware if they have been seen. The second approach is a shouting system. since the chat system is barely helpful for randoms, especially on servers with many players, i think there could be a command that causes your player to shout (seen in chatbox AND heard audibly) simple things like "hello", "friendly", "let's team up" or "Is anyone there?". the shout would be detected across whatever city or town the player was in, and without the hustle of traffic it does not take away any realism for the voice to be heard, though it would be quieter at a distance, meaning that not reading the chat to see what was being said is simply user error. Before anyone says anything about bandits abusing, yes they will, but whats important is that it would vastly increase the chances of genuine friendlies finding eachother. any other simple gestures that can be thrown in or any of these two that can be modified, be sure to say something. Kthx Gex
  3. GexAlmighty

    The Smellometer

    Yeah, you heard me right you dirty smelly sweaty bear running around in your stuffy ghilli suit. A smellometer. Basically, as an addition to sound and eye icons, you also have an icon for how SMELLY your fat ass is. After an amount of time your body starts to sweat and get horrible (this would happen faster with a ghilli suit for realism and balance) and this would cause your smell meter (a nose icon) to gain bars depending on how smelly you are. Zombies will aggro from further away if you stink, the more you smell, the further you pull. you can clean yourself by washing in lakes, so makes for an easy detour you can make while filling your canteen up. This is almost trolling, but i think it would be fun. AS A SIDE NOTE: when you are around people for an extended amount of time (while not in combat) and you smell, someone near you should occasionally make comments about it telling each other that they stink. I know if i was playing with my friends and i heard that i would laugh my ASS off Obviously this would all have to wait until standalone.
  4. GexAlmighty

    hot airballoon

    I like the use of the word "silently." Have you ever been in a hot air balloon before? it takes a lot of people, space and NOISE to get into the air. also would go south very fast if someone shot a single bullet into the balloon fabric
  5. GexAlmighty

    Concentrate on fixes!!!!!!!!

    I agree with your post and all, but that is an awful example. *spends 5 years building a ship, turns out it doesn't float* Ah, shit. that was a waste.
  6. GexAlmighty

    Kill Camera

    This will just be used by clans / groups so that when one dies he can tell everyone where they are.
  7. It turns out that the artifacting glitch is caused by barbed wire, military bodies and military wrecks (broken Jeeps). So just to add to my opening post. Remove the military bodies and wrecks along with the barbed wire. taking things OUT of the game should be easy. it would save a lot of time with all this "rebinerising" that i see in the change log every update that to be perfectly honest, clearly isn't working. the bodies and wrecks are nothing but scenery that, to be blunt, we can't actually see anyway for obvious reasons. they serve even less purpose than the barbed wire and glitch twice as much. scrap them.
  8. GexAlmighty

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    I was under the impression that Arma 3 and Games made with the arma 3 engine (DayZ standalone) will continue to be run by battleye but im not sure if that is confirmed. On a side note I'm from england
  9. GexAlmighty

    Two choppers per server

    Yep, maybe even more. the amount of vehicles at the moment is depressingly low
  10. Rocket said we are getting wild dogs so that isn't really true. he did say we probably won't get any special zombies though. However i hope he changes his mind because at the moment his zombies are painfully bland. There is a reason that every decent zombie game has mutations, it's because standard zombies are just plain dull. I love DayZ don't get me wrong, but it needs more than zombies and bandits and a game so well based on survival like this needs a real scare factor other than "oh, i'm being shot at" or "*sigh* there is a zombie that sounds like a velociraptor chasing me again"
  11. GexAlmighty

    FN P90 added to the game

    I don't see why they dont just add more of the Arma 2 guns into DayZ. the more variety the better. I don't get why some people are intolerant of adding a variety. do you get off from seeing the same Ak's M4's and snipers all the time?
  12. What you are forgetting is that people shoot on sight to avoid other people shooting them first. the loot will not change that. it will just make it so that we get even less loot than we already have and if it comes down to random chance this would be a real downer for strategic shots and just make it depressing when you go out of your way to get 3 body shots on them and their NV goggles are broken anyway. or if you go out of your way to get a headshot and their AS50 snaps in half. I would have to say no, this is just a way to annoy people.
  13. GexAlmighty

    Slow Zombies

    I'm pretty sure that the zeds have been altered in the latest patch and now move much less erratically and run at a slower and smoother pace (although they now have the stupid running animation that the players have that make it look like they are running in slow motion) and are now possible to fight outside (though it is still hard and fairly glitchy.) they also seem to have turned up the sight and hearing to compensate, and damn is it hard to get around unspotted now without going prone.
  14. GexAlmighty

    Trail of Cans.

    I have a thread up about this myself, the only difference is that i think that junk junk items should not spawn and are only created when a player consumes a can of food or drink. it then goes into their inventory and they have to drop it manually (creating a fresh "loot pile") and to make up for the lack of junk items spawning, just replace their spawns with bandages, whisky bottles and heat packs (because who the hell is ever short of those?)
  15. GexAlmighty

    Needed "Scare Factor"

    yeah the noises definately need to be re worked big time in DayZ so that it genuinely sounds unknown and disturbing like this rather than sounding like Velociraptors (seriously, go watch Jurassic park and then play DayZ, you will see what i mean.) they should take note of the headcrab zombies in half life, the cries and sounds they make are shady as hell. Wild dogs are comming in the next update apparently, which is cool. Bears should come in at some point if rocket decides to get on and make them and i think there should totally be zombie bears that have a 5% chance of spawning instead of a normal bear.
  16. GexAlmighty

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    Actually battleye is catching up really fast now. 1000 bans in the last 2 weeks. that is a lot of scripters. I would like to think we are winning this little war. Even if it is slowly
  17. GexAlmighty

    kick weapon(s) away from unconscious players

    Yep, this would add a little bit of depth to the game, why not get this in the standalone?
  18. GexAlmighty

    Ammo for rare guns.

    I would have to disagree, the point of the thread is saying that these ultra rare weapons are near unusable because the game simply does not spawn ammo for them and therefore should occasionally spawn outside of crash sites once in a while, seems reasonable and realistic to me if other rare guns (usually of higher quality like the AS50) can spawn plenty of ammo, why cant the pp-19?. Your post simply argues that you shouldn't bother taking the weapons because the ammo is rare and keep with the standards. Isn't that the same thing as just saying the gun is useless and may as well not even be in the game at all?
  19. GexAlmighty

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    Cool story bro, getting a bit off topic there. Also your tears are delicious. As far as the thread goes, i feel you. the hackers combined with the fact that every now and then i spawn on the coast with all my stuff thanks to the new update is making this game pretty damn un playable. and lets not forget the artifacting.
  20. GexAlmighty

    Better inspect bodies!

    I would have to agree that this needs implementing
  21. GexAlmighty

    Stuck at loading

    Same, nuff said
  22. GexAlmighty

    MP5SD6, Yay or Nay?

    One of my favourite loot items in the game and im using it in my current life. it is perfect for a designated "zombie killer" role when working in a team. you just have to be able to pull headshots on the fly. it is also perfect to have in your backpack while you are sniping.
  23. GexAlmighty

    Its raining, its pouring....

    We need more hackers that will actually do scary stuff like this. I can accept this, for the most part when i have seen these jason videos if you run away they will chase you but ultimately let you live. it is just a fairly harmless way of scaring people to death. and god knows, this game is meant to be scary. there is probably something wrong when these hackers are genuinly more creepy and scary than the zombie appocolipse. take note rocket, more scares please. Hackers that use their scripting to kill defencless players by teleporting around with a silenced weapon or using invisibilty to line up a cheap headshot at point blank however, do not deserve any kind of respect
  24. GexAlmighty

    CPU survivors

    nah this would take out a lot of the tension that pvp gives us. because we would just assume every survivor we see is an npc
  25. GexAlmighty

    Tools, tool belt and usability

    I think a melee slot would be too easy. i just think it should be easier to switch to hatchet. for example there should be an "equip as primary" button when you right click in with the gear menu open that overlays the hatchet over your riffle and to un equip it you have to go to gear again and add to toolbelt like usual, which will set your riffle as primary. dayz would be much too easy if you could quick switch to a hatchet. i think this way has just enough fumbling around to make it work