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About worsin

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Im having a ton of problems with mouse movement. It seems as if the Y axis (up and down) is not smoothing which causes it to be way to sensitive vs the X axis which is smoothing. I have tried to turn off mouse smoothing in game and in the config file and it doesnt seem to help, the X axis keeps smoothing and the Y axis is way too fast. I should be able to rotate my cross hairs in a circular fasion and get smooth control over the mouse and i cannot even get close to this. Ive spent over 2 hours in the config file trying to get the X and Y axis to work together the way it did in Arma 2 or other games and it just isnt working. I cannot seem to get them on an equal speed to get nice mouse movement. Also when moving left and right its almost as if the movent occurs AFTER i have moved the mouse not WHILE im moving the mouse. This delay is rediculous and causes it to be almost impossible to properly aim. My system specs: Duel 760 GTX 4gb in SLI 4760k Intel @ 4.6 32 GB Ram SSD MadCatz RAT 7 Mouse
  2. Yeah i have a series of bat files that trigger not only the server reboot but also inject a new time into the timezone table to make it always daytime. I just finished implementing your bat file into this and its working great so far. Thanks again!
  3. First off thanks for the prescription recommendation, however i don't need any prozac, not sure why you think i do lol. I prefer a more green solution =) Secondly your files have it set to 30 seconds by default so i was just running things according to how you set them initially. Third, thanks for the .bat file and quick responses. Much appreciated.
  4. After running this for a few hours and finally fixing issues people are now complaining that the server is really slow. Looking at the server resources i now see that my CPU usage is COMPLETELY MAXED OUT. Anti-Hax is causing it to use EVERYTHING my computer has... were talking 3.0 quad core machine here being TANKED due to a simple program.
  5. yeah i noticed that after i uploaded it...its already been changed.
  6. Just updated my anti-hax to most recent version and ran it with the following settings. // The IP Address of the server serveraddress= //The port of the server serverport=2302 //The RCON password serverpassword=XXXXX // Defines how frequently DayZ Anti-Hax checks log files for hacks (in seconds) parsingFrequency=30 // Enable / Disable Protected by Anti-Hax message shouldShowMessage=true // Defines the number of parses before showing the Protected by Anti-Hax message. messageFrequency=120 // Defines the number of parses before updateing the filter update frequency. filterFrequency=2500 //Defines the number of parses before updating from the Community Ban List. banlistFrequency=3 //Use the Community Ban Lists (WARNING: Turning this off could result in hackers.) shouldUseCBL=false // Defines whether or not DayZ Anti-Hax should check for log flooding in createvehicle.log // WARNING: If your server frequently encounters long periods of desync, you may want to disable this feature to prevent false-positive detections shouldCheckForFlooding=false // URLS This will take dw_scripts.txt and save it as scripts.txt etc. scriptsURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/scripts.txt scriptsUpdate=false publicvariableURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/publicvariable.txt publicvariableUpdate=true publicvariableScan=true setdamageURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/setdamage.txt setdamageUpdate=true createvehicleURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/createvehicle.txt createvehicleUpdate=true createvehicleScan=true publicvariablevalURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/publicvariableval.txt publicvariablevalUpdate=true setposURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/setpos.txt setposUpdate=true remoteexecURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/remoteexec.txt remoteexecUpdate=false remoteexecScan=true mpeventhandlerURL=http://dayz-community-banlist.googlecode.com/git/filters/mpeventhandler.txt mpeventhandlerUpdate=true mpeventhandlerScan=true But it seems to be throwing an error. See Screenshot. I have anti-hax in my battle-eye directory...same one i had before when it was working but banning everyone lol Edit Update: I have been running this for about 30 min now and just looked at my remoteexec.txt file and it has been updated automatically even though i have it set to false in the config. I am rebooting anti-hax now and just replaced that file with my working version again to test but i think that anti-hax is still bugged and ignoring my "false" setting.
  7. I am using version 8.0 Also to make sure im doing this right...i only reboot Anti-Hax after making these changes not the server. Do i need to be rebooting the server also?
  8. I have found the problem with my being banned. I am running a private server. The remoteexec.txt file throws false positives for my private server so i have been using the suggested version given on the FAQ for ANTI-HAX. Here is the big issue im having with your software. The config file you provide that is supposed to allow me to disable auto-updating that file does not work. I have set this to FALSE and even REMOVED THE PATH to the file as shown below. remoteexecURL=http:// remoteexecUpdate=false Yet it still updates with the version that i cannot use and ends up banning everyone for false positives. So in the end all of this was absolutely caused by Anti-Hax simply not working as it is supposed to.
  9. I thought it was run by Anti-Hax. Forgive my hasty judgement. I will contact them i guess.
  10. worsin

    Best Private Hive server day evar?

    You just joined a crappy one. That would NEVER happen on my server and if it did we would roll back 30 min and restore everyones stuff. Check us out: http://stormcompanyclan.com
  11. Actually i just added 6 barracks to NWAF to even it out some...now both airfields have a bunch of barracks with their own advantages. This should spread people out on the map a little more. Take note of the changes up top...Solnichney is also modified now too!
  12. No password. No whitelist. Just active admins that ban hackers on our own server and report them to community banlist.
  13. We are now giving NVG's in our initial loadout when you spawn into server. This will provide better immersion while still making it friendly for people starting out on server during the night time. We feel that this will improve gameplay over having it always daytime. Our reboots now will set the time as follows: Reboot 1 @ 12am MST: 8pm-12am Reboot 2 @ 4am MST: 2pm-6pm Reboot 3 @ 8am MST: 2pm-6pm Reboot 4 @ 12pm MST: 8pm-12am Reboot 5 @ 4pm MST: 2pm-6pm Reboot 6 @ 8pm MST: 2pm-6pm
  14. Nametags are set to OFF but when you scroll the mouse wheel you can get distance and the name of the person your targeting. This might be turned off soon. Good to have you on server Lockmar...Expert server with our custom mod is coming very soon. Hope to see you all there!