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Everything posted by joeasyrida

  1. joeasyrida

    Spawning with a Crowbar

    The title pretty much sums it up. It would make the freshly spawned not as defenseless and provide a use for one of the games currently useless items.
  2. joeasyrida

    Spawning with a Crowbar

    You are very correct, I didnt really think this over enough.
  3. joeasyrida

    Spawning with a Crowbar

    ^ I personaly dont have a problem finding weapons or equipment. It is just a proposal to find a use for a currently useless item.
  4. joeasyrida

    Why do you people do these things?

    Well you had a AK, and some people see that alone as a threat. Some People do it for fun and some are just sadistic dicks. It didnt take you very long to gather your supplies so just take it as a learning oppertunity. Stay low, move fast and stay aware. Ive ruined many peoples days by being a Electro/Cherno noob and Enfield sniping those with fancy military equipment. However, Im not going to lie, the first thing I did with my m24 was sit up in one of electros costal factory/industrial buildings and test out my new fun toy on people like yourself. Not to troll or cause rage but simply as for the training. Its a sandbox game so the possible explainations to your question are endless. To the person who was talking about self defense and assumptions, most self defense in this game is based on assumptions.
  5. joeasyrida

    DayZ Stories

    You keep respawning until you get near where you want. Thats how me and my friends meet up when we get whiped out.
  6. joeasyrida

    DayZ Stories

    The craziest and one of the shortest lives I had occured a few days ago and all took place under about 2 hours. I died being by trippng on a rock pile near 3 valleys and respawned nearby so I decided to go and recover my equipment. I get to my body only to find another survivor standing over it with my m24 and glock 17. Furious, I rage ran up towards Solnichniy but as zombies started chasing me, I got the plan to run back towards the looter with the horde close behind. As I approach, the looter begins emptying the glock I had on the zombies but is quickly overan and loged out. When they loged back in 30 seconds later, they were unconcious. I then proceded to drag the looters unconcious body near one of the few remaining zombies so it could finish the looter off. I then crawled up and reclaimed my gear and ran up to Berezino and picked off a few bandits up there before getting flushed out of my appartment that I was holed up in by mike 203s. Bones broken and in shock, I get executed by one of the bandits in the crew that I was fighting. I received my justice fair and square.
  7. joeasyrida

    My first human kill, justified? Video inside

    What I would have done differently? Killed him as soon as he didnt follow your instructions. In my experience, players with just hatchets are typically opertunists who have little to lose and will put their hatchet in the back of your head when you turn your back. It was completly justified. If you blasted him the at the first time, your friend would have walked away unharmed