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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. BwobBwub

    Help me please.

    Sounds like you either have a overheating problem or your power supply is too low.
  2. The zombies in WWZ reminded me of the mutants from I Am Legend.
  3. BwobBwub

    Get rid of chernarus.

    Yes actually, been to Orlando and Miami.
  4. BwobBwub

    Dead army men

    Its all luck when it comes to loot. You either get an empty tin can or something worthwhile.
  5. BwobBwub

    Get rid of chernarus.

    NOPE. Edit: Why would they get rid of a map they have been working on like making new villages, enterable buildings. American cities are boring and too cliche for a zombie apocaylpse.
  6. It will return so don't get used to it. I thought it was a good feature, I assume if there was ever a zombie apocalypse you would find roamers.
  7. BwobBwub

    Best Weapons?

    M14 & DMR, M14 for close-medium range and DMR for longer, they also use the same ammo.
  8. I really liked the server mode suggestion, good job Russia!
  9. I don't try and kill everyone I see, I try and stay out of their way. If it comes to a point where I have no options I kill.
  10. BwobBwub

    I have sorry

    Surely this is a joke? If google translate actually works, he would know that it isn't about his character?
  11. BwobBwub

    Radio to use Global Channel Chat

    Radios are confirmed. They are to replace side chat.
  12. BwobBwub

    Dayz Series

    Well uh, that was Diddums and um, yeah we have the DayZ gallery to post videos. Edit: Sneaky Boneboys.
  13. BwobBwub

    DayZ Easter Egg Ideas

    One accidental mistake, please calm yourself. All hail our glorious leader, TheDesigner!
  14. BwobBwub

    Very mad friends

    I fired a M14 at the NWAF hangars once. It attracted more than just zombies.
  15. BwobBwub

    DayZ at E3? What time and where to watch?

    I don't think there is a BI livestream? I think there will only be videos/devblogs of it.
  16. BwobBwub


    We should also remember the silent mods. I know you're reading Powell.
  17. BwobBwub

    4000+ Ping

    Does this happen on every server or just the one you're playing on?
  18. BwobBwub

    E3 and our attendance

    But.... Rhinocrunch.
  19. BwobBwub

    Anyone get pre-Alpha invite?

    No, unless you got invited by anyone from the DayZ Dev team. I'm presuming they would have been invited by Matt.
  20. BwobBwub

    Who is your best friend in Dayz?

    My M9SD, pewpewpew and the zambies are dead.
  21. BwobBwub


    Your first time reminded me of my first time (huehuehuehue). It was scary back then.
  22. BwobBwub

    M&KB or xBox controller?

    The thing is, you will get more out of PC. I still feel that next-gen consoles will still not meet the expectations of DayZ. The size of the map and the dynamic features will just strain them. If there will be a console port, map size will be scaled down and some features will not be included. Even if console gets more sales than PC, its all about quality over quantity. + I still feel there are too many buttons for a controller to handle.
  23. Just admin abuse. There is nothing you can do, unless you can get in contact with the admins.
  24. BwobBwub

    7 Days to Die!

    Same thing posted twice?