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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. BwobBwub

    I need help.....

    Specs? Saying looks like shit ain't helping.
  2. BwobBwub

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

    I don't see how it wouldn't fit DayZ. Remember the zombies are only infected humans. They're still going to have basic movements e.g; walking running, jumping.
  3. BwobBwub

    Standalone Release Predictions

  4. BwobBwub

    DayZ Standalone Commercial

    Costs money to make a commercial/adverts. Especially if you want it to get noticed.
  5. BwobBwub

    ARMA II DLC Question….

    You will get hi-res textures to the skins of BAF & ACR and guns and everything else belonging to them.
  6. BwobBwub


    Since the locations of the towns are the same, there is no reason to change it. But there will be massive changes up north (past the NE Airfield) because there will be new villages meaning a new road system.
  7. BwobBwub

    How good are YOU?

    I'm meh.
  8. BwobBwub

    worth buying arma 2 now?

    I have a feeling SA will be out in a month or 2. Arma 2 & OA are still very good games though.
  9. How long is it public for? Or is it a new public server for BB?
  10. BwobBwub


    This is just like Candylol, but with proper grammar.
  11. BwobBwub

    DayZ Standalone Roleplay Servers

    Well, we can do that now but people decide not to do that.
  12. BwobBwub

    I wasn't shot on sight....

    I would play on BB but I cba to get a microphone.
  13. BwobBwub

    Official Standalone News *Classes*

    Classes such as repairing vehicles. First try: A bit shabby, will break down again soon. 50th try: You're a professional engineer. I hope its something like that.
  14. Why would a German rifle be common? It would more than likely be the Mosin Nagant what was Russian.
  15. I know it will never feel like that to me again but I will always remember the first time playing and sweating because I was scared. I wish wipe my memory of playing and have that feeling again.
  16. BwobBwub


    Cowboys in Chernarus? Awwww Yeah!
  17. BwobBwub

    Why do you chose Dayz over Origins

    Houses removes another challenge. All gear is supposed to be vulnerable. Its a risk needed to be taken. Origins seems to make the game look more casual.
  18. If you mean Unique Zombies as that Doctor bloke you have, no. I think I heard somewhere that will be different aged zombs. Older ones more slower and more recently infected will be faster.
  19. BwobBwub

    New guy here

    Yes, find servers by clicking on the word servers. Find a server what suits your needs and double click it.
  20. BwobBwub

    [DZwT] Hero Captured (me) for Bandit Quiz!

    Auckland heheheh
  21. Well, that can be unfair on the sniper. What if you had a couple of buddies on you who could just hop along and kill him/her if you tell them where the sniper was? The difference with OFP was that it was always different when you were killed and the that was being played on a singleplayer mission, "Battlefields".
  22. BwobBwub

    Which mission in serverbrowser?

    If you want normal DayZ, type in DayZ Vanilla in the Server Name.