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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. BwobBwub

    Dayz mod and dayz standalone

    You really need to find a new image hoster because I don't want to go to funnyjunk to view this image.
  2. BwobBwub

    A mate wondered why i still play DayZ

    Arma 2 with ACE, dayuuuuum...
  3. BwobBwub

    Gun from Carl

    That gun is the super nuclear las0r blaster 3000 Rarest in the game.
  4. BwobBwub

    Just saw Rocket again.

    windows 7 print screen I am proud if this.
  5. BwobBwub

    My lol moment

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93199-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/3) Off-topic posts: Any posts that are not relevant to the thread are considered spam. On-topic: I hate people like that, they're the worst type of bandits.
  6. BwobBwub

    Speed test

    http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/i/599683624 My ping varies from 15-25 most of the time.
  7. BwobBwub

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Yes. Time will be same in the Standalone (24 hour day & night cycle)
  8. BwobBwub

    the woodbury discussion

    Arma 2's base building isn't very good for DayZ. We might see something in the future though.
  9. BwobBwub

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Why wait when you can play it straight away? It will be a hell of a lot cheaper and you also help with the development by finding bugs and exploits like in Arma 3. I do agree with some of your reasons though. I just hope I won't get bored of the Alpha like I did with A3 due to lack of features.
  10. BwobBwub

    An Idea From AC3 And Rising Storm

    As well as this I would like to see blood dripping from the body and blood trails.
  11. BwobBwub last update before standalone?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143531-where-are-all-the-devblogs/ Hopefully this will help you.
  12. I think when the Alpha is released it will be quite laggy for low end PCs but as we get more more updates, it will hopefully run better. Your best bet at the minute is to ask someone in the closed alpha how it runs (if they're allowed to of course).
  13. Its in the debug zone. I have a sneaky suspicion its exploited a lil' bit.
  14. The western blob is a place for hiding camps. <-- I was wrong, thought it was debug area Urals are worth the travel because its a moving campsite and can with hold under fire.
  15. BwobBwub

    Suddenly low FPS on all servers

    Could possibly be your CPU. I would try running everything at normal, see how that works out.
  16. BwobBwub

    Suddenly low FPS on all servers

    What's your CPU?
  17. BwobBwub

    I had a dream last night...

    Y'know, I don't think OP actually dreamed of the release. Just some good editing. I hope your post was sarcastic.
  18. BwobBwub

    I had a dream last night...

    Ah, I thought that was legit then.
  19. Don't complain about your FPS if its over 30. I'm lucky to get over 25+.
  20. BwobBwub

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm a Student and I can only play on weekends. So it will take a lot longer for the game to burn off on me.
  21. BwobBwub

    The Rejected

    Best Suggestion 2k13. Fuck Reddit, These mods are better.
  22. BwobBwub

    Rocket said..

    I hope we get the alpha in those two months he said. I'll be kinda disappointed if we don't. If you read on later on into the comments, he does apologies about the confusion he caused.
  23. BwobBwub

    Low FPS

    Main Menu - Options - Video Options - Advanced Try turning some things off and turning some things down.
  24. BwobBwub

    Add Games for Windows LIVE to DayZ SA

  25. BwobBwub

    What's your Day Z playstyle?

    I avoid all players at all costs. If I do come across one, I see what they do. Usually ends up me getting killed though.