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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. Do you have Arma 2: Combined Operations?
  2. BwobBwub

    Day Z Invasion 1944

    Thank-you for this information, I shall be having my beans back.
  3. BwobBwub

    Replace M1911 with TT33

    I'd have both. It would make more sense having the TT than a British handgun in Chernarus
  4. BwobBwub

    Why do I run faster?

    Either lag or your connection to the server. +80 ping and your gonna have a bad time.
  5. BwobBwub

    Looking for Ghilies suits

    I'd check school buildings for them.
  6. BwobBwub

    Green Mountain Camp

    There are no easter eggs or suprises (yet..) in DayZ. You would be a good conspiracy thinker though.
  7. BwobBwub

    Heat Strokes

    People would just get pissed off having to stop progress. Its a good thought though. Maybe add something like that to Expert servers.
  8. BwobBwub

    I can't quite explain DayZ to my friend.

    The only time I felt 'thats DayZ' when watching a video is CHKilroy's Days Ahead series. But thats when Direct Chat was used and teamwork too,
  9. BwobBwub

    Day Z Invasion 1944

    Wow, I have wanted to see this for a long time, thanks for the gameplay.
  10. Fell off the port of Berenzino. The game can't detect falling into water, so I broke my leg and drowned.
  11. BwobBwub

    Why do YOU love DayZ?

    The thrill.
  12. BwobBwub

    Axing Bandits a question - Video

    Clever title is clever
  13. BwobBwub

    ARMA 2 sound mods

  14. BwobBwub

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Can I have an Argamore Cookie?
  15. No Chocolate? Well, I guess vanilla will have to do then.
  16. BwobBwub

    Country in the North

    I wouldn't mind seeing Russia in the map. You see a zombiefied border control on the main motorway and further up is a destroyed Russian patrol.
  17. I don't like the idea of implementing classes. I prefer it would be better to have an edge over experience than an ingame class system.
  18. BwobBwub

    Is it worth it?

    Arma 2 is a good game, I would get it.
  19. BwobBwub

    Isn't it about time we added horses?

    No, I'm not, there have been many suggestions about 'eating' and 'riding' horses.
  20. BwobBwub

    I have a dream.

    So that means, players without a microphone can't talk and gives them more of a chance being killed from an encounter with another player. Imo that's a silly suggestion. Maybe there could be servers what disable keyboard DC.
  21. BwobBwub

    Isn't it about time we added horses?

    Isn't it time we stop making horse suggestions.
  22. BwobBwub

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    No rag-doll physics :(
  23. BwobBwub

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Walked off the port of Berenzino. I cried for the next hour.
  24. You do know your 104km map would be smaller than Chernarus? Chernarus is 225km and that probably takes 2 hours to walk across.