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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. BwobBwub

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    I thought this topic was about how other people play during CQC, not whose way is better.. You seem awfully cocky as well.
  2. BwobBwub

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Its not a waste if you want to survive. Think about it, you want to get the vantage point. Say you fire half a clip at his position, your target won't move, so you can move and get a better position; possibly flank him. As your in close proximity with each other, accuracy doesn't really matter so, firing at him more is going to be more of a concern.
  3. BwobBwub

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Make sure you have an Automatic weapon (e.g AK, M varients MP5 etc) and switch to Burst or Full Auto unless your target is +100m. Find your nearest cover and spray some bullets at him and get him suppressed. Move about as well or your going to get flanked or suppressed.
  4. Wow, I didn't it know it was that bad.
  5. BwobBwub

    Is there a sprinting glitch?

  6. BwobBwub

    Any GFX pros in the house?

    This.I wouldn't worry about it, having no background at all doesn't effect how many views you get. If you really want a background, there are many people on the internet who could do it. Google is your friend.
  7. This didn't actually happen in DayZ but here it is anyway: After stealing a BMP from a side mission(Arma2 Domination), we went back to base to re-arm. We were going down a mountain and I drove into a rock, this caused me to do a TRIPLE front flip and blow up in mid-air. That was my best "worst" vehicle moment.
  8. I actually watched the whole thing of that.. Fuck.
  9. BwobBwub

    DAYZ QuickDrawing!

    All I needed to do was look at the thumbnail.
  10. BwobBwub

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    Probably not enough posts, I think you need 700+ but I'm not definite.
  11. BwobBwub

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    In your profile settings but I'm not sure if you need a certain number of posts to change it.
  12. Oh look, another server what removes key challenges of the game. I suppose its better than having 1000+ vehicles though.
  13. BwobBwub

    BeastZ Mini-Game

    Care to elaborate what mini-game this is?
  14. BwobBwub


    I'm now scarred with horror.
  15. BwobBwub


    This adds consequences for being a bandit, so KOSing could be reduced slightly.
  16. BwobBwub

    Give a reason to play on night servers?

    Night is very fun. Also as not many play on night servers, its a perfect time to go looting.
  17. BwobBwub

    DayZ sans zombies?

    Wasteland is pretty much that. Although it doesn't have a loot system like DayZ and I think it would make wasteland have more of a post-apocalyptic feel.
  18. BwobBwub


    The fact is, people will kill to survive... Just some more than others.
  19. BwobBwub

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    #yolo... Cause I'm a heartless soul. I recently stopped being a Hero, I'm trying a new playstyle, hence why I have that member title.
  20. BwobBwub

    iZurvive released for Android

    I'm gonna try it out. I like the markers idea.
  21. BwobBwub

    US303 You will be missed!

    Ahh the friendly community of DayZ at its finest.
  22. BwobBwub

    I miss the old dayz..

    I want to see 'old' DayZ. The earlier versions like when it came out in April/May.
  23. BwobBwub

    Zabn and I tested the Batmobile

    How you survived that, I don't know.
  24. BwobBwub

    Scary cabin in the woods

    Place for scaring newbs? I like it.