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Everything posted by BwobBwub

  1. BwobBwub

    Standalone - Gun Stores / Police Stations

    Sir, thats is impossible, Chernarus is on 11 klicks long.
  2. BwobBwub

    DLC: suggestions

    This shouldn't be Graveyarded. Good discussion could be made out of this thread.
  3. BwobBwub

    What map is best for me?

    Forgot to add, on Namalsk, you need to stay warm or your going to catch an infection. Also DayZ 2017 is a good place if you like tin cans :P
  4. BwobBwub

    DLC: suggestions

    I'm not the one to crash a party (lol) but I don't see DayZ having DLC's (unless Rocket is a money whore) . Maybe as a mod as they are quite creative.
  5. BwobBwub

    What map is best for me?

    It's a snowy island with lots of trees. It has many military bases and towers. The only town is (I forgot the name) is your only real chance of finding food and drink. The ambience soundtrack is very creepy though especially when bloodsuckers creep up on you (Mind, thats a good thing why there is a lot of ammo on Namalsk).
  6. BwobBwub

    What map is best for me?

    Namalsk definitely. Everything is scarce. Except ammo, there are bases everywhere.
  7. BwobBwub

    DayZ Standalone idea

    I made a suggestion like this earlier. It will help the 'non-mic' users. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124199-direct-comms-quick-chat/
  8. BwobBwub

    Anyone know how to keep a Laptop cool?

    I think I will invest in a cooling pad and clear out dust every 1-3 months, thanks for the help!
  9. BwobBwub


    I've always liked the idea of dead corpse turning into zombies. But they could only rise if there head didn't get damaged.
  10. BwobBwub

    Heroes - how do you approach them?

    Well shit, guess I have to kill everyone then, if no one is going to trust me :(
  11. BwobBwub

    Whats the plan post Standalone?

    All I know is that, if all goes well a console port will happen.
  12. BwobBwub

    Need help with DayZ

    Ahh, this thread made my day.
  13. BwobBwub

    [Not sure if in right forum] Help?

    Try DayZ Commander to download DayZ. Buying Arma 2:CO again will allow you to play on BE servers again.
  14. BwobBwub

    DayZ Birth

    Ima try it out. I couldn't find the server and I did both methods.
  15. BwobBwub

    All New DayZ Breaking Point!

    I like the new zombie sounds, it doesn't make the zombies a threat, just makes the more scary.
  16. BwobBwub

    climbing tall walls for standalone

    Look up the SMK mod for Arma, it has that feature.
  17. Well if a player has their gun down, its their fault. All you need to do is click your LMB and your gun will raise.
  18. BwobBwub

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    I'm think he said it in the latest video blog. I definitely remember him saying it in one of the vlogs.
  19. BwobBwub

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    Rocket said nothing about no private hives, there will be some eventually. Of course it will rise above the mod! There will be many features in the game what you can't get in the mod e.g Dynamic loot spawn and the Disease/infection system (What has never been done in a game before).
  20. BwobBwub

    What populates a DayZ server?

    10000 vehicles, M249 SAW starting weapon with a coyote backpack and 2000 helicopters fully repaired! I see a lot of people on those servers.
  21. BwobBwub

    Rocket: Console version almost certain

    "When I approached the topic of DayZ coming to consoles, Hall admitted that despite a lot of speculation, nobody had really posed the question to him in a straightforward manner. After I took the opportunity to do so, he revealed that while a console version of the title isn't currently in development, there's nothing keeping it from happening in the future. "Certainly I think if we don't, for want of a better word 'fuck up,' the PC release then I would say a console port is almost certain," Hall revealed. "I know a lot of people get really hot and bothered about it. Like, I'm not a console gamer, I'm a PC gamer, but I don't think it necessarily has to hurt things." http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/123007-DayZ-Creator-A-Console-Port-is-Almost-Certain "But what consoles would be likely to see a DayZ title in the future? At the moment it seems like the PS4 may be the leading candidate. "It appears to be the kind of game that Sony are interested in, I think we just have to wait and see," he continued. "We've talked and met with Sony, and they're very - you know, they're obviously interested." So if you were unsure if a console port is going to happen, now you know.
  22. BwobBwub

    Did I do the right thing?

    You outsmarted him, good.
  23. BwobBwub

    Wind and ballistics system

    This looks good and a bit of a challenge. Maybe the wind could cause bushes and trees to blow the opposite way of the wind.
  24. BwobBwub

    DayZ Super Fun Adventures! EP6: Anti Hero
