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Everything posted by inch

  1. inch

    Pending Update: Build

    Bohemia interactive are looking into this, they are not too keen on 95417. Maybe pushing a beta release later today. Keep your eyes open :)
  2. inch

    Pending Update: Build

    Nice one dude, keep it up :) regardless of all the crap.
  3. inch

    Transportation Suggestions

    Find a vehicle.
  4. Hi all, following a discussion with Dwarden at BI, him and his team were looking into an issue I raised that not all servers were showing in the server list... anyway. The issue is that the DayZ team when sending out emails to Server hosters are sending the following. See the above section 'To download latest beta patch' This is only pointing server hosters/users to the incremental updates which only updates binary data (not actual files). Users and Server Hosters should install the FULL PATCH (1.62) http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en Which solves a number of issues and actually updates user data.... *Edit* -Then install the beta patches- This was taken with a pinch of salt by the BI team....
  5. your server if you want to update should be v1.62.xxxxx
  6. inch

    Pending Update: Build

    Looks like my bug report worked thanks dude! :)
  7. It's nothing to do with the reporting IP. I thought it had changed once I checked it, it hadn't. Its something to do with the latest set of updates... if anyone knows what the issue is let me know.
  8. I have a few guys, feel free to join us on TS3. PM me if you would like the IP
  9. inch

    Check This Out

    It's not even that good for the price lol.... pile of rubbish :P
  10. inch

    Check This Out

    Well done. It's well... I'll let you decide I've also reported you for spamming.
  11. inch

    What's with the low FPS?

    Sorry I said i'd get back to you. It was Physx on his machine all he did was reinstall arma 2 though... he didnt actually find a fix.... sorry.
  12. inch

    Server owners - Update your Beta Patch

    Try to imagine how often we'd have to restart the server and kick players off for every beta patch they release... so yes, it is kind of a pain to update to EVERY patch.
  13. Hmm. If you can get me a name be cool. Looking into it now. Edit: whats your in-game name please. is it the same as the forum?
  14. inch

    Laggy/ blurry when moving

    If you're starting the game manually. I.e. via a shortcut for the game, right click> properties> Shortcut tab> then your target should be something like this for DayZMod. "E:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -nosplash Just pop -maxVRAM=<number> on the end don't forget to put your video memory size on the end in MB. Example: -maxVRAM=1024 Edit: here is some info on your card http://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gt-540m
  15. inch

    What's with the low FPS?

    Sorry I saw your reply late, I've just asked a friend what we did... I'll get back to you.
  16. inch

    What's with the low FPS?

    It was only with his GPU... It works fine on my mac which is running an AMD card.
  17. You need to look for foreign requests too, when they get teleported or 'transformed' into something it does show... I'll try get you an example. However I think I deleted my recent one after submitting a Global Ban. 'Edit' this is supposed to be improving too. See Rocket's latest update post; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/
  18. inch

    What's with the low FPS?

    If you're running an Nvidia Card, check your PhysX settings, a friend of mine had the same issue. Took us a while to work out what was going on.
  19. inch

    Global ban #0ba9

    I say tough, you're opening admitting on injecting code in other games... what's to stop you on ARMA/DayZ? Your problem deal with it. Shame BE, doesn't stream to Garry's mod too.
  20. You should be able to check the .RPT File as-well-as the .log file. These log kit spawns, connections including Client Player Names and GUIDs. It's just knowing what to look for :)
  21. inch

    Laggy/ blurry when moving

    You could try sticking -maxVRAM=<number> on your target line. 'Edit' Just out of curiosity what GPU do you have?
  22. inch

    Pending Update: Build

    Lol... he's only one man, at this point there are 59 pages of posts/comments... these things take time :P
  23. Owned. I check server logs and ban asses like you.
  24. inch

    new to this

    Try this; http://dayzmap.com/ P.S. you have to find a map, compass, and GPS...
  25. inch


    Hi please see below. P.S. make sure you're running an up-to-date DayzMod Build.