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Everything posted by inch

  1. Just get the name and do a CTRL+F enter their name and find it, you should be able to find there GUID in the .log as per above.
  2. I'd have a guess he/she was afk.... all legit gear so it seems.
  3. inch

    G36a valid?

    Hi guys quickie - is the G36a, a valid wep?? I cannot see it on a item list i was provided.
  4. Hi all, Does anyone know how to identify invisible players? Does anything show up in logs? All help appreciated.
  5. Like it but what with the large RED Circle?
  6. Hello all, Three of my DayZ servers will be going offline this evening 6:30PM GMT. For the following upgrades on my network. The following core-router upgrades are planned: - Upgrade of the Supervisor PFC from 3B to 3BXL. - Centralized Forwarding Cards (CFCs) to be replaced with Distributed Forwarding Cards (DFCs). This will be bring a number of key benefits including: - Increased packet throughput on all line cards fitted with DFCs. The DFC upgrade allows for the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table to be replicated to the local card without the need to query the Supervisor on the router decision. This significantly increases overall throughput allowing for line rate performance from every port. - Enhanced Netflow support. The PFC upgrade increases the amount of Netflow entries held within TCAM that can be exported. This provides us with increased visibility of the network in order to protect customers from attacks, as well as dealing with local compromised devices. I estimate these to be completed within about 30-60minutes. Regards, Inch
  7. Server Maintenance complete on my network, ongoing updates are still in-effect which may cause minor De-Sync.
  8. inch

    A closer look at that graphics corruption

    Good vid :) can you do one at the med tents? I was getting those of barb wire there.
  9. inch

    G36a valid?

    Thought so... saw a guy get one on my server logs :P going to submit it to Dayz with the other 8....
  10. Another hacker however cannot get guid... keep an eye out guys! Player Name: Zomboid - make sure he uses illegal weps and spawns kit stacks in before you ban... he was using G36SD and spawning kit sacks on my server. EDIT - Got him :)
  11. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    Much appreciated! :)
  12. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    Without turning this thread into a huge "troll." I'm looking forward to your list of all items in-game. Given your attention to detail I guess it'll be 100% correct and kept updated. For the record this thread is within 'dayz-general-discussion', which to me says people can talk about what they want. After all it's a Discussion. I think all facts are located here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/11-faq/ Cheers! Have a wonderful day :)
  13. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    Someone's got a stick up there ass. --http://www.urbandict...s&defid=2117112 Secondly why don't you make us all a comprehensive list of all available items it'll benefit everyone.
  14. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    Not banned anyone for the AS50... only G36SDs... which i know for a FACT are not in DayZ. As-well-as teleporting and injecting scripts/code. I might not know 100% of the weapons but I do know how to code. Just for the record all of my Bans are sent to the DayZ team to verify. :).
  15. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    No need to be such a pedantic ass. I don't spend 24 hours a day on the forum sorry. Some of us here actually have a life and or jobs.
  16. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    The AS50 was supposed to be an illegal wep... no one i know has ever found it in a legit place, only on dead bodys. Also Rocket was trying to remove the L85 wasn't he?
  17. inch

    L85A2 aws Value?

    FYI AS50 is a hacked item. And the rifle you're talking about (L85) was supposed to be removed?
  18. Locally ban them, get the logs prove it was then submit to DayZ team for global ban. It's not hard.
  19. No sorry, I'm just a one man band lol with a sadly good server. There is two 129's the other guy has been told to change his server name,
  20. inch


    So my group of 30? I think you'd get sat on rofl.
  21. inch

    Dayz highlights episode 1 Ghillie squad

    lol... i tunred it off when you were stood in the castle for 5minutes...
  22. Two more players banned for mass teleport. [AGRO NIGA]SnikerMulti [AGRO NIGA] korpio GUIDs/IPs/Logs Submitted to DayZ staff for global ban. IP Range blacklisted also enjoy assholes.
  23. Hi all, following a discussion with Dwarden at BI, him and his team were looking into an issue I raised that not all servers were showing in the server list... anyway. The issue is that the DayZ team when sending out emails to Server hosters are sending the following. See the above section 'To download latest beta patch' This is only pointing server hosters/users to the incremental updates which only updates binary data (not actual files). Users and Server Hosters should install the FULL PATCH (1.62) http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en Which solves a number of issues and actually updates user data.... *Edit* -Then install the beta patches- This was taken with a pinch of salt by the BI team....
  24. Search for installation guides on YT :)
  25. Well when this whole anti rocket/rocket ally starts give me a shout I'll stick a 100 slot server up.