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Everything posted by inch

  1. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    :( I've found that the .rpt file gets HUGE! I'm tempted to set BEC to only allow an x number of players to join at any one time. It seems the constant 'connecting', 'connected' events don't help.... it was a good test this evening/morning for me... if you like I can PM you any changes i make that i feel are 'stable.' But as I said, in the server name (stress testing) I'm almost there hopefully. I'll be putting another intel 10GBASE-X card in soon. In about a month I'm hoping to be running all 100 slot servers (if I'm happy).
  2. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    Correct, although the time is the same, I could change each if I wanted, they both have there own instances and allocated set of system resources. What I'd suggest for you at least is sticking some more RAM in that box :) Nice CPU... not much RAM. Win Server needs about 2GB on it's own.... If your setting affinity you also might want to try that start up para... is it -CPUCount, -exThreads? if i remember correctly.
  3. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    The VM doesn't, but, you're limiting what the server.exe can actually use. I've only seen the VM use 4cores/threads on the actual server. I've not get more than 3 cores in the VM itself. Sorry I got the above slightly mixed up... its getting late :( I've never seen the actual hardware use the equivalent more or less than 4 cores and threads... the VM's I've set are on 1-4 cores each... nothing fancy.
  4. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    Hi there, its actually running four 8837's.... I think the key to success is running VMware ESXi and ESX hypervisor, with a vSphere environment. I'm currently 'stress testing the server' I'm not quite happy yet, however, the VM the 100 slot is on has four cores four threads and 6GB ram, which is also running on my iSCSI San Array, to which I've allocated that VM 20% usage... Hope this helps some what. Although, I'm going to have to edit the config, to limit the number of users that can join at once, it seems the mod itself is having some issues. -Edit- the SAN definitely helps with the read/writes. Also the VM does not actually see the cores stated above, it only sees what it's been told to use it's then split over all of my cores.
  5. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    I know, I've got a log file upto 25mb at the moment... :( that's my morning gone. *Edit* I check server logs for injected code/scripts, ammo creates, hacked weps and submit to DayZ Team.
  6. inch

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    :P http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab319/AlexGrosse1/Capture-7.png http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab319/AlexGrosse1/Capture1.png
  7. inch

    DE 1225 Server Thread

    You can edit server time, change sys clock time, start the ARMAOASERVER.exe I do the above in virtual environments.
  8. inch

    M16A4 vs M4A1 SD

    M4A1SD, quiet, accurate, ammo in abundance.
  9. inch

    No Message Recived

    Hi dude, it sounds like you could be getting kicked for something. That or... something is restricting you access, when you connect it triggers something like a firewall which then boots you 'cuts the connection', in which case would be a rather poor FW. If you like you can try my servers, let me know which, and I'll see if you get kicked for anything (let me know when you're about to try)
  10. I'd be willing, if i could look over the source code.
  11. inch

    Hackers ruined my dayz

    They'll always be hackers... creating measures to prevent this takes time. Before DayZ the ARMA mod community was very mature to be blunt (not full of kids). Things will improve you need active server Admins, not like these big game company's whom just want the PR.
  12. As per the above, what do you think is hacked? All items can be found here http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons And again if anything is spawned in you will see the script, then do a CTRL+F to locate who's using that weapon. I frown upon players who pick up hacked kit.
  13. Hi Vipeax, I don't like bothering the team, do you have a update on how the patch is going? A rough date on the release, it seems its been pushed back. Secondly are you aware that vehicles are not saving correctly? See: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39441 Cheers! :)
  14. My tip is just shoot anyone if you don't know them. All problems solved. :P
  15. inch

    [VIDEO] Don't drive in Elektro...

    Meh... it's not that good but credit where it's due :) P.S. Nice waste of ammo.
  16. No worries, check my profile, I earn a living in this department. I've been a 'sad geek' as my father says... since i was 12.... I first started off with learning Standard HTML, I then branched off onto C#, C++, and more recently for my iPhone Objective C. I'm also working on HTML5 and jQuery at the moment. :) EDIT - like you said... script kiddies do my head in too...
  17. Sigh here we go, it's clearly not that easy but it's a building block.
  18. Yes, but they do have a lease period which varies per ISP. I have a pool of 10 IPv4 Addresses and 3 IPv6 Address. I also know a ISP that actually have specific IP pools for different geographical areas.
  19. P.S. get me his IP. I'll have some fun,,, just made some other ass BSOD :) I'm sick of all the script kiddies, they want to be men well step up to the same level.
  20. My servers all restart at 8 hour intervals. Which is near what DayZTeam recommend.
  21. You don't need to set the world, nor winxp, threads are a tad high... have you tried running the game without -cpuCount/exThreads? You can remove the -noPause too unless you have a reason. I have no problems with multitasking, if you want to AltTab press 'P' then Alt Tab/Alt Enter. With a System like yours I don't think you'll have problems alt'ing out. Edit - I don't bother with the whole cpu/threads thing and I have 6 cores and 12 threads... game runs fine, I have a friend with the same CPU as you he does not use that either. It sounds really daft but try disabling Physx...